It took several hours before Lily realized she was not the only vampire celled in the prison.
She had been crouched in a corner, trying her hardest not to cry, when a small voice came from the cell beside her.
"No point in that, dear," said the voice. "No one around to see you weak. Let it go."
But Lily would not allow her to admit defeat yet. She would not lose to Cherie or any of the vampires. She would fight her way to freedom the next opportunity she got—and there had to be opportunity. There had to be.
She crept closer to her neighbor, peering through the bars to seek out his face. The cells were dark—only a single light in the room, and it was far too dim to see much. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, then she made out the shape of him. An older vampire—a male by the looks of it. He sat on the ground in the corner of his cell, skinny and famished. He probably hadn’t had blood for days.