
Liliana's pov :

Mrs. Fennimore gave me a beaming smile as I entered my workplace, "Hello, girl! Why are you looking somber today?" She spoke as walked towards me.

"It's a long story, Mrs. Fennimore, let me serve, first," I was having a nostalgic feeling, for the first time, I didn't want to work today, I wanted to sit alone with a mug of espresso at Augustus Hawkins park so that I could clear my head.

But rules are the rules, if I have made the rules, I'm not gonna break any of them.

The great thing about my workplace was that I didn't need to wear any uniform like other places where girls wear shorts and Mrs. Fennimore is a great companion for me, she never complains about anything.

I put my hair into a bun and heard Mrs. Fennimore called my name, so I rushed over there.