You won't talk to me, will you?

Liliana's pov :

The next day, my eyes immediately caught Jason, now, I remembered his name better. He was wandering here and there outside of the gym with something in his hand. And I knew that he was waiting for nobody else but me.

The black half sleeves reebok t-shirt seemed so perfect for him with black track pants, for a moment, I halted and kept looking at him. Perhaps it wasn't looking, it was staring. Poor and arrogant me couldn't accept that I wasn't looking at him, I was checking him out.

He gaped in my direction, our eyes met and the color drained out of his face. I bit on my lower lip in confusion about what to do when you are caught staring at someone.

Jason took some steps ahead and smiled genuinely, "Hey! Morning, Lia! I...uh, I know, you won't talk to me, will you?" but when I didn't say anything, he lowered his gaze, "so just accept my apology, please!" he handed a card to me, his forehead became a house of parallel lines.
