
Liliana's pov :

"What? Had lunch together? Oh my goodness! And you guys are project partners?" Fee fluttered her eyes, "Lia, I can't digest so many things in just one shot," and she released the air from her mouth.

I rolled my eyes, "forget it! You'll be my project partner, right?"

Suddenly her eyes twinkled with a sense that she forgot something, and now, she just caught it, "wait, the girl who has no friends except me, and the boy who has no female friends except her sister meet at the restaurant and eat lunch together. Isn't it what normal people call a date?" She emphasized the word 'date'.

First, school bimbos, then, Emily, and now, Fiona!

All the girls have nothing to do but question my and Jason's relationship and for god's sake, we are not even friends.

"Fee, I'm already tired of the words 'girlfriend', 'boyfriend', 'date', etc, can you please stop this?" I grimaced.