Move on

Jason's pov :

"You told me that you would meet me after the class, and you are chilling here with your friends," Mia complained to George like she was his girlfriend.

I thanked God for saving our lives because it wasn't Lia or Fiona. Otherwise, I couldn't even imagine what would have happened.

"Wait! You aren't his girlfriend, stop behaving like one!" Alex just couldn't resist the urge to taunt her.

I stifled a chuckle, sometimes Alex treats bitches better than anybody else.

Theo whispered into George's ear, "you learn to say no now, we can't deal with the bitches anymore."

George stood up from the chair and banged his hand on the table, "you are not my girlfriend, you should leave now or I'll offend you more. And don't you dare to roam around us again!"