
Jason's pov :

"So, how was your date?" Alex winked at George and successfully earned a kick on his butt from George.

Theo and I chuckled, George is in love so that's what we expected from him.

Theo mocked Alex, "what did you expect from him, boy? He won't give you the details of his kiss or…um, he is in love, dude! Love starts with respect, right?" He raised one eyebrow at me.

"Yes, sir!" I supported him and glanced at George who was busy searching for something, "what are you finding, George?"

Theo corrected me, "Who are you finding?"

George pressed his lips hard to hide his blush, "my girl! We decided to meet before the class starts, and Alex, we just went for lunch together. I don't want it to be in a rush, she needs time and please, guys don't tease her much! She is my simple, kind, and shy girl." He again looked at his wristwatch.