You took me for granted!

Liliana's pov :

Fee rolled her eyes while handing coffee over to Justin, I snatched the mug of coffee from his hand, "what the fuck did you prattle in the school?" I remembered the rage and hurt in his eyes, and his eyes repeated that look.

"I love you, Lily! I know, I never told you that before but I always loved you, I felt like you were mine and I didn't need to tell you how much I love you. I can't even imagine you with somebody else, I accept all my mistakes but I was afraid of you that after knowing my feelings, you would stop even looking at me," he knelt on the floor, "I thought our families would arrange our marriage so I waited but now, I can't wait. Liliana Watson, I promise that I'll change myself completely for you, and I'll never again take you for granted, will you give me a chance?" He extended his hand to approach me.