
Liliana's pov :

A tomboy Lia never felt excitement for her birthday but Jay has awakened the girl in me and shamelessly, I'm behaving like a girl for the last few months.

Life has been easy for me since he appeared in my boring life though I won't give the whole credit to him only. Fiona has also given me what I wanted since childhood, I always wished for a friend like her, and surprisingly, Jesus granted my wish.

Hey, Jesus! I'll visit you in the morning on my birthday. As a good human being, I'll also show my gratitude towards you but can you grant one more wish of mine? I want those crazy friends and their giggles back in my life, I want you to do some magic and reunite my boys.

Their friendship was the reason that I started believing in the friendship. And seeing them falling apart is not something that I can tolerate. Please, God, do something and make it happen!