
Jason's pov :

The party was getting awkward because of my friends who were behaving like strangers, no one was ready to start a conversation. And I was dying to talk to them, I missed them a lot, I needed my friends in my life, how much time everyone would take to realize that our friendship was too precious to be broken like that!

I changed into a yellow collar t-shirt and blue short paint and wore a spectacle, of course, of my dad! Barbie decided to make me Nobita because the party had a cartoon theme and I was breaking the dress code so she arranged the worst look for me.

"I can't guarantee if Lia will still choose you as her boyfriend or not," Barbie mocked me and started giggling.

Lia was dancing with Theo, and when she glanced at me, she suppressed her lips and waved her hand to me.

"Can you still see everything properly with this?" She pointed towards my spectacle.