Resisting the desires

Theo's pov :

What a typical question!

I didn't know whom I loved the most but I never compared them and if I would answer this question, it would hurt her for sure. Because I was going to choose Jay as he wasn't just my friend, he was Barbie's brother and I didn't want her to go against her brother to be with me.

"Barbie, what if I say that I love you the most in the world? And what if I say that I love Jay more than you? Will your love for me vanish or will you feel hurt?" She was a mature girl so I knew she would understand me, I just needed to put in some effort.

It was difficult to concentrate when she was so close to me and I could feel her slow breathing so she was also affected by me.

"What if I ask you who you love the most? Jay or me? Whom would you choose?" I again questioned when she didn't say anything.