
Liliana's pov :

From his humorous face and tantrums, no one could say that he was feeling so miserable in his heart.

All of us were so tired of talking so we decided to sleep. Jay was silent since he entered the flight. Somehow, it seemed that he was missing Barbie, he told me while driving to the airport that he never fought with Barbie so it was obvious that he was regretting his words a lot.

Pretending to be happy and being happy were two different things, and it wasn't that tough for me to get the difference between his pretending and happy face.

"What are you listening to?" I initiated the conversation.

He put off the headphone, "nothing special! Just my playlist!"

I was terrible at consoling people, I preferred a straightforward attitude so I just blurted out, "are you missing Barbie?"

"How did you know?" His eyes widened in surprise.