Only family

George's pov :

Her eyes were glued at the glass window from where she could see her mom. After a long flight, we directly came to the hospital and she wasn't even ready to sit or take a rest for some time. For the last one hour, she was standing on that spot.

I thought she would cry when she saw her mom but she wasn't weeping or saying anything. During the flight, I tried to talk to her but she didn't utter a single word. Her eyes were wide open and now she wasn't ready to sit.

When we reached the hospital, the police informed us that her mother had an accident, a car hit her and vanished from that place. The CCTV of that road wasn't working, otherwise, the police would have caught the owner of that car.

I wanted to be the pillar of her moral support though she wasn't letting me be. I stood beside her and laid my arms on her shoulders. "Talk to me, Ana! You are not alone, I'm with you. Your mom will be alright soon."