
Jason's pov :

"You are seeming so different now. The girl with whom I fell in love was different from you. She was immature, cute, innocent, and fun. You are the opposite of her," I exposed my mind.

I could see her jaw tightened but I couldn't keep things to myself anymore. She had to know what I was feeling and I had to know what she was feeling.

The things were already out of our hands, the biggest reason behind it was me. I couldn't handle my opinions and feelings, I miserably failed.

"Ahem! So," she took a pause and shook her head, trying to be equanimous to digest my blunt words. "Yeah, so how am I different now?"

"You know, you're a question machine." I made her roll her eyes. Sighing, I shrugged and nudged her arm to relax the situation.