Cooking dinner

Jason's pov :

Wrapping my arms around her, I shoved her head into my chest, caressed her back and hair so she could feel relaxed in my arms. She hugged me back and laid her hands on my back.

I knew that I should explain everything to her, the way she non-stop spilled out her feelings and doubts but first of all, I wanted her to feel comfy and calm.

"Feeling better, now?" I asked and kissed her forehead to assure her that I cared about her. Girls loved forehead kisses because forehead kisses meant that the guy cared for her, I didn't know about it before but a few weeks ago, I started reading a book on dating that had various topics about the relationship that I needed to learn to be a better man for Lia. It was a childish thing to do but I couldn't care less.

The author had written that whenever you need to soothe your girl, give her forehead kiss and hugs, first. I was following the things that I learned from that book.