My favourite person

Liliana's pov :

The full moon was so beautiful, and the man who was sitting next to me was more handsome than the moon. Yes, the best cliche romantic line! Yet it was real, at least in my case!

I was expecting him to say something after my nonstop bullshit, but he was just staring into my eyes. Perhaps, that was my answer! He wasn't sure about us, and I didn't want to force him to accept me. Maybe I was a mistake for him, he could get any girl he wanted, the most gorgeous and easy girl!

Sighing, I smiled and decided to stand up from the mattress. I didn't have enough courage to hear that he didn't want me. After doing that much, he must have had some expectations from his girlfriend, but I wasn't the right girl for him.

Having some scars of my childhood made me blunt, strong, and an opinionated girl. If he would choose to stay by my side, I wanted him to be forever. I couldn't take more shit in my life, I needed him to support me in everything.