
Jason's pov :

It was New Year and I needed to buy a good gift for my girlfriend for this New Year. Buying a gift for a girl who didn't like designed clothes or bags or anything that could easily be bought with money wasn't a piece of cake.

I had planned to take her on a date on a boat. My dad was going to leave the next evening so I had arranged everything according to that. We would spend a good evening there and then, we would come back for dinner at home so we could have the last meal together.

The only thing remaining to be done was to choose the best gift for the best girl. I took the keys to my car and drove to the shopping mall that we owned near to my house.

"Hello, sir! How may I help you?" The manager ran to me as soon as I entered the jewellery shop.

"I want you to show me something very special and precious that can touch someone's heart." My mind couldn't decide on a good thing, I was fucking confused.