A WEEK PASSED like a blur. Pyke did his promise pulling out his connection for my job. I did a job interview yesterday at the GhostRides Customs Shop. It ranked second in New York Auto Magazine last year. Their customers are mostly celebrities and rich kids.
Mr. Aaron Gray, the owner, and CEO of the shop who interviewed me is around Pyke’s age or maybe a few years older, but he’s also a good-looking guy with chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes. His build is a little bulkier than Pyke, and a few inches shorter than him.
Why am I comparing them?
To my dismay, Pyke didn’t reply to my text after sending him a thank you message. I know it’s not a big deal for him. I just can’t help but feel a little disappointed. My finger itches to dial his number since he already programmed his number in my phonebook.
I haven’t decided on the shoot, and there is a possibility that he changes his mind.