Chapter 4

"I wouldn’t have pictured you as a smoker…" Nate said and took a step forwards, setting his bottle on the table, for Jake to scan.

"I won’t give you the cigarettes unless you do something for me." Jake whispered and wiggled his eyebrows.

Nate laughed and Jake fist bumped him. Of course they were friends.

"Nah mate I don’t think she’ll suck you off." he then continued and paid him.

"Why not?"

"She’s a virgin, look at her."

Jake raised his eyebrows and made a disgusted face.

"And you’re sixteen?"

I shrugged, blushing and feeling embarrassed.

"So these are for you?" Nate asked pointing to the Kent pack placed on the counter. I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded. Maybe he’ll get off my back and leave me alone.

"Well fuck it then, I’ll pay them for you."

Nate paid for the cigarettes and pinched my nipple, making me gasp, before he exited the shop in laughter.

Jake was laughing too and shaking his head. I made my way towards the exit, completely annoyed with the both of them.

"See you around.," he yelled after me and I closed the door behind me.

I walked down the stairs and looked for my skateboard, but it was nowhere to be seen. I immediately knew that Nate had taken it.

I arrived home around seven, because I had to walk twenty minutes. Honestly; who did this kid think he was to take my skateboard and let me walk?

The only entertainment I had during the long was reading the label on the cigarette package over and over again.

"What took you so long?" my grandfather spat and strolled over to me as I entered the living room, discarding my shoes.


He pulled the pack out of my hand and shooed me away. I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs, jumping two at once. I washed my hands and threw myself on the bed, pulling the laptop open and plugging it in.

I immediately clicked the Safari button, but it said that the website wasn’t available. I refreshed; still nothing. Then something occurred to me.

I went to the settings and saw that Nate’s Wi-Fi was now password protected. I groaned. I knew I couldn’t live two days without Internet.

I angrily slammed my laptop shut and looked around for things to do. Nothing. No skateboard, no Wi-Fi…just…homework?


I sighed and dropped myself on the seat, opening the back-pack that was at the foot of the desk. I was about to start wri-ting the first math’s test (I was actually good in math), when my phone rang beside me.

I picked it up and saw Katherine’s ID flashing on the screen. I answered.

"Hello?" I asked confused.


I cringed at her nickname. Don’t. Just don’t.

I got up and went to open the window, since it was starting to get too hot in the room.

"Are you… coming to the bonfire at the beach… tonight?"

She was doing weird sounds and she seemed to struggle with talking.

I stopped when I saw her sitting on Nate’s bed; her phone held in her hand in front of her; obviously I was on speaker. Nate’s window was positioned to reveal his bed that was pushed against the wall, right in front of the window.

Katherine was on her back, on the left side of the bed, with her legs spread, her skirt up to her stomach and Nate’s pinkish hair between her thighs. I blushed at the image.

"Uh…I don’t think so." I mumbled and heard her whine, From what I could see, she’d whined because Nate suddenly pulled away from her and wiped his mouth, aiming for something out of sight.

Thank god that grandma’s bedroom was on the floor below, so she couldn’t see what was going on next door.

"Why not? You should loosen up a bit."

I saw her hand going down her stomach, towards her private area, so I turned around, backing away from the window.

"I don’t- hold on."

The phone vibrated and I looked at the screen. I had a new message.

I opened it.

Nate: if u want ur sk8board back u shud cum 2 da partie

My eyes burned at his grammar.

I bit my lip and sighed, before returning to Katherine.

"Fine, I’ll come."

"Great! Be over in ten!"

I heard a deep voice saying something to her, and I knew it was him. She giggled and said:

"In half an hour, forty minutes tops."

I rolled my eyes and hung up. God.

I decided to wear shorts, a pair of suspenders, a shirt, a hair bow and a pair of black sneakers.

After my make up was done, I sat down on the bed and thought about what could happen.

I had two options:

I could go there, have a good time and get my skateboard at the end of the party; or I could go there, get my skateboard, somehow get the Wi-Fi password and then skate back.

I chose the latter and right when I was about to go and do homework again, the door swung open and Katherine barged in, wearing a pair of jeans, heels and a tube top. She was holding two coats in her hand.

"I’m not wearing this, don’t worry, my dress is in my backpack."

She threw her backpack on the bed and pointed at it.

"Put your party clothes in there."

"Uh…that’s what I’m wearing."

"That?" she said and put one of the coats on, tossing the other one in my face.

"Put it on, it hides your party clothes. I always sneak out on Wednesday, telling grandma that I’m going at Jade’s weekly slumber party."

I nodded and zipped the big coat up. It went over my fingers, and made me look like a potato sack.

"Why is your coat so big?" I asked and grabbed the backpack, zipping it up.

It contained a Tequila bottle, a pair of wedges, a mini skirt, a bikini and a makeup kit. I put it over my shoulders.

"It’s not mine. It’s Sean’s."


Wasn’t he that guy that I crashed into a yesterday?

"Yeah Sean Black."

I shrugged and followed her down the stairs, into the hallway.

"We’re going grandma!" she yelled and I heard a scream of approval coming from the kitchen.

We hurried down the stairs and took a right turn, before walking down the street. W reached the bus station and she looked at the time on her phone. It was 8:30pm.

We heard a car coming down the road. It was a black Range Rover. I saw that Nate was the one driving it. Next to him sat Sean, and I couldn’t see who was in the back seat, because the windows weren’t see-through, just the windshield.

The car stopped in front of us and the back door opened; so did the passenger’s door. Sean made eye contact with me and smirked.

"One of you should sit on his lap, it’s crowded in the back." a voice was heard from the backseat.

There was Jade, Jake, a blonde guy and a girl who I recognized as the girl who had that three-way kiss with Katherine and Nate.

Katherine climbed in the back and took the backpack with her.

"Looks like you’re going to sit on my lap babe." Sean grinned and I flushed, climbing in the car. He pulled me on his lap, so my back was against his chest.

Nate was wearing a pair of black tight jeans, green Supras, a black shirt and his hair was pulled up in a quiff, highlighted with a greenish color.

He had a lip ring and his right ear was pierced with several tiny rings. Then he stuck his tongue out and licked his bottom lip, letting me know that his lip piercing wasn’t missing.

I squirmed uncomfortably in Sean’s lap and he moaned.

"Right there baby."

Everyone laughed and I turned red, sitting still.

The only reason I agreed to this was because Nate bribed me and I wanted my skateboard back.

The ride to the beach was uncomfortable. They talked about perverted things, parties and which position gave better pleasure during sex.

I was silent the whole time, and when we got there, I almost kissed the ground. Nate pulled up in a parking lot that was right across the street from the beach.

I could see the bonfire from where we stood; it was huge. There were a lot voices, laughter and loud music, people scattered everywhere.

I suddenly got anxious. I’d never been to a real party before, except those classic birthday parties and that party where I had my first and only kiss.

Katherine changed behind the car, now clothed in a mini skirt, a tube top and wedges. She had a bikini on, and apparently they were planning on taking a bath in the sea.

It was quite warm, and I had the feeling that I was the only one that didn’t bring a bikini.

We crossed the street, and I noticed a fun fair next to the hotels to our left, and a small shopping coast.

"It’s amazing here, we come almost every day." Katherine said to me as we stepped on the sand. I knew it was a bad decision to wear sneakers, because they’ll get filled with sand.

Nate ran a hand through his quiff and scratched his chest before our group -if I could call it that- joined the party.