Chapter 29

Half an hour later I was starting to get a hold of it, but I didn’t want to practice anymore, because I was bored.

"Can we stop now?"

"Try one more time, then we can play."

I did what he said, then swam like a dog to the stairs.

"Are you getting out?" he asked.

"No, I wanna jump in." I said as I got out of the pool.

"Well if you want to jump in, do it where the water is deep, so you won’t hurt yourself." Chris suggested and I listened to him, walking towards where the water was deeper.

"I’ll drown." I said.

"Come on, I’ll pull you up if necessary." Nate spoke and I took my hand to my nose so water wouldn’t get into it.

"Are you seriously holding your breath?"

I nodded and jumped into the pool, closing my eyes.

My feet touched the ground and I pushed myself up to the surface.

Nate put his hands on my back and I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his torso.