"It’s still weird seeing you kiss." Jade said looking at Hannah and Kaylee, who were snuggled up and kissing every once in a while.
"What about you and Sean?" I asked wriggling my eyebrows and swinging my feet over hers.
"We’re…friends. With benefits. And hey, don’t try to turn this on me, you and Nate just came out of the blue."
"We just came out of the closet." Hannah said and that was that.
The beach was empty, and I’m pretty sure it was closed too, so it was illegal for us to be there. But I went with it anyway.
They lit the bonfire a few meters away from the water and we all sat down in a semi circle around it.
"I feel left out." Jake said after a few moments as he passed a bottle of beer to everyone but Nate, who had to drive back.
"Why?" Nate asked, grabbing the bottle out of my hand and taking it to his lips.
"Because you’re all couples here and I’m just like, with my rand hand tonight."