"You really slaved away to make everything so special, babe", Kai appraised as we greedily eyed the food. "I feel so overwhelmed right now", he expressed honestly.


It was indeed overwhelming and special.

The table was tastefully decorated with rose petals and scented candles while the Italian cuisine spread out on the table made my mouth salivate already !

Kai’s praise seemed to cheer up our DomDom and soon enough we were happily chatting away while tucking in the most delicious Italian food that I had ever had !

Everything was soon forgotten and we were back to being the small, gay group that we were.

They were so perfect.

So loving and caring.

None of us could see the other in pain.

We had hopelessly fallen for each other.

And I was going to cherish our love, company and time together as long as I could.

Sigh !