Chapter 10

The store window broke and the store began to fill with tear gas. In some seconds. It was too fast in a few seconds the store was filled with tear gas and shibuimaru took his gun and shot one of ours.

From outside Sato gave the order to enter and I hid when Shibuimaru came out through the destroyed wall. I couldn't process what just happened, but it's not good.

"Ahhhh, ahhhh" The policeman who shot him shouted

"What the fuck happened here?" Sato yelled.

Everything happened in seconds and I went after shibuimaru

Hello how am I Jonathan good, we are almost at the end of the novel. At least the first volume because it's so short, well first it's a character introduction arc. As you can see, ligth acts totally different from how he acts in the series. In personality they are similar but they are different and everything in this story is different from how it happened in the series and second and last this is an initial arc that raises several things from the end. I'm waiting to write the end of the first volume to see if they are surprised

I followed shibuimaru even though he knew how dangerous he was and that he had already killed someone. He went up the stairs to the second floor once he leaves the theater. I ran after him and pushed him, his body fell to the side but he still held his gun and was going to point it at me.

"Stop" I heard a voice behind me and a gunshot. I passed by and he almost killed me, still I couldn't shoot myself. He walked past me and he pushed me

I lay down on the ground. When he walked away from me, he nearly killed me. Don't expect him to have such a near death experience.

I felt how the police officers walked past me and after a while I was able to recover from the initial shock. With difficulty I got up and my foot gave way and I almost fell back to the floor. Sato held me so I wouldn't fall

"You are very brave, I did not think you were going to go after him. Very reckless though."

"Where is he?"

Sato's gaze changed. "We chased him but now we don't know where he is. He can be anywhere in the building."

A specialized team is now in charge of the situation. So Sato is no longer in charge yet he is part of the search team.

Take a breath "We are not part of the search group"

"We've never been. I was relegated from my job" Sato said "Still don't expect them to come that fast. I don't even like my performance." Sato put on an ugly look.

"They are the ones in charge of the situation now"

"Heyy" A big man yelled at us. The look of him reminded me of that riot police. But I understand that this does not exist in Japan. Even though they dress the same

"If you're done talking to that young man, we're missing people upstairs"

"Ligth get out of the building"

From above I could see that journalists had arrived on the scene

I went out the back of the building so I wouldn't draw unnecessary attention. The police surrounded the place and I went out the back. I went down a few streets and walked around when I arrived again on television shibuimaru they point a gun at Sato

He didn't hear what he was saying but from here. I heard the bullet that shot him in the foot.

"Ahhhh" Some people yelled. The scene is horrible Sato was shot and screamed his blood flew and splashed on the floor. He had a bloody leg and he was screaming horribly. And it happened in a few seconds Shibuimaru was screaming when he suddenly clutched his chest in pain and started to fall on the floor and the TV went off.

"I don't know if flowers are suitable to give to a man" Kaori said "Why don't you bring them a bear?"

I couldn't help but look at her rarely it's been a while since that incident and Kaori seems fine

I ligth was able to get out of there and Sato well, the…

Kaori and I don't talk on the way. Our relationship is weird because we barely know each other.

We arrived at the hospital and I couldn't help but look up, I could see a bird go by

101 is Sato's room. He has been here for a few weeks since that incident although he doesn't seem to be happy here.

Sato looked out, his gaze is melancholy. I couldn't help but glance down at his leg. When they brought him in the ambulance he was crying and screaming. He is surprisingly quiet now.

"They arrived early" We both nodded at the same time.

"I'm still not used to doing nothing, it's weird"

"Come on, satou, forget it, we'll bring you some flowers" satou approaches with the flowers

Satou grabs the flowers "Flowers, so pretty flowers" satou started crying and threw the flowers "come out I want to be alone"

We both left the hospital. Kaori shivered and then smiled at me "Do you want to eat?"

I could only nod my head one more time

We headed to a coffee shop, and Kaori sat down, she hadn't noticed but Kaori seems to be engaged. She at least she has a ring on her finger. Although I have never asked him on television they began

"... Jasso Misaki, is another victim of this week's victims who has died of a heart attack"

Author's Notes:

Well, this officially ends the first volume that seemed to you, I hope you liked it now some doubts for the future

Who has the death note?

Regarding that, it is a character in the series that has the notebook, I will only say that

Is this a novel r18?

Yes, but with a plot and it will also have a harem. Later

I can't think of another question to leave if you want. Ah, the other episodes of the novel will be recycled later and some ideas will be used