Chapter 10 r18

"Favourability 86"

What, favorability "What does that mean?"

"How favorable is your relationship with someone, I have given you this ability. Also"

At that moment a Grim Reaper appeared. The grim reaper has a crown and a scythe.

"This skill doesn't let you know the person's name, you'll have to ask him that" There is no state in his head "It doesn't even work on gods" Earlier I thought I was crazy hearing voices in my head. Now, I know what this is. what speaks


"Yes, gods. We are gods of death and our duty is to kill criminals, rats and degenerates. Any being that does not respect the life of another human being or harms it in any way"

"If so, why is the world..." I couldn't finish my words

"a shit"

"The world is rotten"

"Haha, you're right" The "death" laughed with a deep voice "Before we killed the unjust and the cruel but... we don't do that anymore"

It is strange to talk to this "grim reaper" because despite being in front of me. We keep talking in our heads.

Sayu widened her eyes, "Brother, good morning?"

He rubbed his eyes with his hands and until now I realize that he has his pajamas on and on his chest I see a white valley and a hill and his nipple. Try not to look at it but it's impossible not to. As much as she is my sister.

My sister innocent of what I'm feeling lies on my chest and leans on my hardened friend.

(Author's note, the show started friends)

I try to think of other things but my friend betrays me and does not give in. So the situation was like this, Sayu on top of me and rubbing against my friend.

"Brother, I feel something hard" Sayu said and lowered his hand to where my friend is and touched him on top of his pants. I felt his touch and I felt it. I didn't stop his hands even when I touched him harder. He performed the touches of him on top of the clothes

"You can take it out" I said in one ear to my sister and she lowered her underpants and she came out under her body to be face to face with him.

"It's big" His penis moved "It's very cute" Sayu kissed the foreskin and that's how their first kiss went

"Pet him" My sister grabbed him with one hand and started petting him and moving her hand up and down for my friend and it felt good. Although not so well but sayu is doing and that improves it. With her inexperienced hands he lowered and raised her hands.

She began to do it with two hands, yes, after doing it with one hand, she began to move it.

"lick it"

Sayu licks my penis and wets it and the fluid movements of it now gave me great pleasure. Sayu stuck her tongue in it and it really felt really good and…

"Sayu I come" Sayu makes an unexpected movement and puts my penis in her mouth and I come inside Sayu receives it. Without experience he doesn't know what to do

"Swallow it" Sayu swallows it and I gently touch his head "Okay" I'm done and my emotions calm down and I think with a cool head and I realize what I just did and what I did.

Sayu wipes her lips and catches some of what runs down her cheek. and lick it

"It's a bit salty" Sayu says and finishes cleaning up. I put my hands to my head when I was aware of what I did. But there was no way back, I took my sister out of my room and cleaned up the mess. with some tissues


"She liked it," The Grim Reaper states next to me, I don't care what this "being" thinks.