Chapter 15

A man is sitting on a chair, the gray hair in his hair shows how experienced he is and his old hands grip the fishing rod.

The place is idyllic, the man breathed and ran his hand over his face. Wipe your sweat

"There's going to be trouble" Near him is a garage and a TV on a table. The latest news from Kira is on the news. The murders of her. The man grabs the rod to fish and waits until…

The water splashed and a fish fought for his destiny the yellow fish tried to escape his destiny and fight, the fish could not fight against his destiny. The fish squirmed trying to escape to find a way out but couldn't.

His fate is already determined and the fish accepted it.

The man opened the fish from side to side with a knife while writhing. His organs came out of him and the man cleaned the fish. He put the fish on a tray and took off his apron and put it on the table. He turned on the stove and I waited until the temperature was right. He seasoned the fish and put it to cook, before cutting some vegetables.


He cut his hands when he is cutting her

He quickly put his finger in the water


He complained about the pain it would cause him but she was able to clean his wound and the bleeding stopped. With a Band-Aid he sealed the wound

"Shit" he rubbed his wound and ate.

ding dong

The doorbell rang, the man is surprised he didn't ask for anything. In addition to the fact that no one ever visited him, not even his relatives. The man is really a loner, no one has visited him for years and he has lost contact with his relatives.

"Who will he be?"

Maybe he forgot that there was a package on the internet, lately his memory is not at its maximum, it is difficult for him to remember things.

He opened the door and there is a young man and a woman. The man is young and handsome and he reminds her of those magazines that his daughter reads. Once he visited her and the studs on the wall. He has long hair for a Servin man although people these days wear it that way, young people and a defined face. His physique is really deplorable. The woman next door is beautiful, she does not remind me of a Japanese woman because of her bearing but there is no doubt that she was born in this country, she is a very beautiful Japanese woman.

"Hello sir, can we talk to you?" The man took a photo out of an envelope "It is important" A photo of my family was reflected in the photo

I invited them into my house, one more modest than the other. The young man separated and did not enter until I gave him permission, while the woman entered without reservation and sat on the sofa. I couldn't blame them seeing how famous I am.

"Would you like some tea?" They both refused and once again he didn't blame either of them.