Chapter 19

My father keeps the list of criminals on the PC but sometimes he has copies next to the computer. Those copies are gone.

That's what Kira was looking for, that list. It has quite a few criminal names. All those names are criminals, although there are some suspects from previous cases.

Kira doesn't know that, the lists she took with her are a complete folder of names of criminals not reported in the news.

I already knew that Kira actually has very few resources.

I'm in my room and there's a knock on my door. It's my sister with a stuffed animal in her hand. The stuffed animal is of a young man with brown hair and black clothes.

"I'm sorry, brother…can I sleep with you?"

I didn't reject her and let her into my room. She fell asleep on my bed and she hugged me and I stroked her head. After everything that happened, I don't think she could sleep. Yes, sleep for a few hours.

When I woke up my sister was still sleeping on top of me. I stroked her ear and woke her up. She rubbed her eyes with her hands. For my part, I waited until she got up.

My sister touches my head, it still hurts a little but I'm already better healed. We don't talk, only she plays the blindfold

I don't see her eyes but I can feel her emotions we spent some time together.

After a while the alarm sounded. I deactivated it with a little laziness. I got up from the bed. My sister rubbed her eyes and I couldn't help but notice her pajamas. Her pajamas are missing buttons on the chest and I can see a white valley and half a white mound. The scene is very exotic.

I haven't felt so much immorality for a while, because of what we sometimes do. But this is not right.

I have many things on my head. But now, that man called "Kira" attacked my house. One day after visiting that man

I'm going to Naomi's house

"How far would you go to get justice?" I asked Naomi

*Update you have raised Naomi's favorability by 60, no more raise unless you get a stronger bond*

I grabbed the shovel and held it close to me. Take a breath and knock on the door. I wait and no one opens. After a few eternal seconds the man comes out

"You guys-?" She hit him in the face and the man falls

A few days ago I used that reread ability even though it can only be used once a week. When that man attacked he was wearing a ski mask, I began to analyze the scene. Scan the scene for a while. The feeling is rare to see time stopped and makes you feel like a god. But it was not a dream.

I carefully examined the scene and the man Kira did not stop seeming familiar to me, his features are those of this man. In the investigations it appears that he killed his sister and parents. He has a record. But…

I proposed to Naomi that she distract the guy and I hit him over the head. The man is knocked out on the floor. I touched it with concern.

Now we return to the present time

He doesn't move, only he is on the floor, in the part where I landed the blow. There is no blood. Ugh, breathe. I don't want to hurt him more than necessary.

But still I can't believe that this person is Kira.