Chapter 25

I laughed a little at the situation at the end of the night, that person should have been put in jail. Even if it's for a couple of hours, I won't have any kind of problem.

Unbeknownst to Naomi, she looked at Light as if he were crazy. That happened the first day we were here. We hardly talk. In fact it was uncomfortable to talk to each other and I found myself alone. But even so, it seemed that neither of them wanted to change the current reality and thus began an uncomfortable second day. I enter the bathroom, while we wait for "Kira" to arrive, we should be getting ready one way or another. We need weapons and other things to defend ourselves, although I don't understand how we are going to protect ourselves from the way of killing her. I don't know, I looked up and Naomi is naked in front of me. Her breasts are round and large and her areolas are pink. The intimate part of her is also in plain sight. That made me a little hard. And her round buttocks that erotic body. She just got out of the shower so there are still drops of water. Going down her body, her whole body attracts me but it wasn't ideal to talk to her. I just went out in silence. Because this is always awkward with her, I still don't get it. Finished is talk. I realized something, I haven't watched that man for a while, we have been preparing the attack.

Enter the room and the man is on the floor. With the darkness he could not see anything. I only see my hands, I look for the switch since it does not seem human to me to leave it in the dark either

In his own house.

When I turn on the light the whole room lights up and

"Hugh" I feel a pain in my back and I collapse on the floor. I don't fall all at once, but little by little holding on to the wall. He touched my back and I feel something wet and I see that it is blood. I have a knife stuck in my back. I don't see my attacker although I can know very well who it is. For a minute I thought of Sato. Maybe it was fate to end up the same as the person who helped me. I don't know but I know that I am dizzy and I have no strength but with the little strength that I have, I try to get up and see my attacker. he is that man

(Author's note because he follows him man is because his name is not known, remember that the case files are incomplete)

A strong pain attacked me and I could not get up

No matter how hard I try. I felt less strength, I felt weaker. I don't have the strength to get up but if that man approaches I will be able to act. That cautious man never came close to me again. He kept his distance from him and didn't help me I kept losing blood. The scene lasted a few seconds maybe at least. It happened fast and I ran for the door. The man in his carelessness did not expect it and tried to grab me but I closed the door in his face

"Ahh" I hit him with the door.

"NAOMI" I yelled

I couldn't move because I lost too much blood and Naomi….

I woke up with my head spinning a thousand times, I don't know where I am I just feel the blanket on top of me, I feel really comfortable and I closed my eyes once more, and my consciousness fell once more. My consciousness flew and I dreamed of a big fish, the fish was hurt and injured and hurt too much today, it is bleeding, it does not know what to do, it does not want to disappoint anyone and continues.

No consciousness returned to me. Tired my body doesn't move but I can move my head and look at the room. This room I'm still here. But what happened?

Naomi approaches my question with a tub in her hand. She doesn't say anything and she takes a seat next to me. She takes out a rag and she places it on my forehead.

"Are you feeling better?"

I feel tired but better. I nod my head

"What happened?"

"That man escaped" Naomi says "In a few minutes we have to leave this house"