Chapter 49

Her marriage was full of fights and intrigues, the love lasted very little, probably less than a few weeks, in fact with this young man it is different... Maybe she is a woman in love and a little out of place.

In 13 years of marriage he would never think about it, he only lived day to day, now it should be different. If it's crazy to love someone younger than you.

Love is crazy so she should do something like it's her love.

Sakura took off her clothes one by one, leaving herself only in her underwear. She waited for Light to return while she covered herself with a blanket.

After a while she felt the door open and light enter.

Light had spoken to his mother and his words had not left him calm. "So my father is working with "L"."

His mother had not told him that but from her words he could sense. His father convinced his mother to go on a study trip for a few weeks but he couldn't believe it. His father is working with "L".

Yoichiro, his father, has always been a serious and responsible person. What he thought was what his grandfather thought and did and his ancestors did. Collaborating with "L" is not unreasonable, especially to catch a person with kira, but he… did not see it possible. "L"'s methods are very different from father's. His heart felt heavy so he didn't notice Sakura with a blanket just covering her when she entered the room.

He was surprised to see Sakura, a very beautiful woman with only a blanket, had surprised him.

Sakura took off the blanket and left her body naked. Her breasts are large, much larger than Naomi's. In addition to that, her body had a wild and forbidden air that attracted any man with wild curves. All of this combined made her into a woman with a spectacular body.

Light had no words, he really didn't know how to proceed, the atmosphere is hot and the two of them don't have any restrictions. I don't feel like it's right to do this.

Light grabs the blanket and puts it on top of Sakura's body. He friendly touches her cheek and gently runs her hand over her face. She is hot and her cheeks are red. Before I knew it Sakura fell into my arms, I felt her slide into my body.

He fainted. I grabbed her and carried her with a princess and left her on my bed. Her condition is unstable.

"Naomi I need you to help me with something."

I was only able to contact Naomi

Naomi helped me contact a person who has nursing skills.


Kaori is on the other side of the port. HER hair is tied up in a ponytail, her shirt is pink and her body is athletic and tight.

"Hello, Naomi told me that she needs help" Kaori was not comfortable coming here seeing what has happened between her and light. The whole kidnapping situation has her very tense; she hasn't asked to sleep for months.

"Come with me"

They entered the house, Light's mother had gone to run some errands, she could not receive the guest.

I noticed this kaori that there is no one at home

"My mother went shopping." Light also noticed it so he spoke to reassure her. The relationship between the two of them beyond that kidnapping remained as acquaintances less than friends. It is not uncomfortable for them to be alone.

In the bed Sakura was sleeping, her expression was not calm, her eyes were closed, her cheeks were blushing and her breathing was weak.

"Her condition is weak."