Chapter 8

As always if anyone find any mistake please mention them in comment(chapter/paragraph)

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter

I'm not dropping this...just kinda busy with shitty life so no updates for few months


Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal. They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious. So when a certain not so normal family member came to their doorstep with a baby in his hand asking them to adopt him they did what any normal family who never wanted to do anything with strange things did, direct refusal.

But after knowing that the little guy was unable to do magic in his life ever they decided to give in and shelter him till he becomes adult. But what the Dursley's and even the man that came with the child didn't knew was, that two years after taking in the child that was considered to not be able to do any kind of magic will have accidental magic in front of all the Dursley's.

And that changed everything for the poor child as the 'perfectly normal' Dursley's decided to get rid of him but then came another problem.

They had no means to contact the father of the child or the long named + bearded old man. Yeah they had other options like either taking him to Diagon Ally which surprisingly Mrs. Dursley remembered the location of where it is or to send him to some orphanage, but the both were rejected. First one as they clearly remembered the warning given to them about the possible danger they will face if they contact to other wizards regarding Harry other than them, and the second because they were wary of the after effects once the society comes to know about how the Dursley's abandoned their Nephew in an orphanage.

They didn't wanted to ruin the image of being a perfect family in the society neither they wanted to take the risk so all they could do was keep the 'Not so Normal' boy with their family. But since the boy was not normal like them he was not given any facilities that normal child should have.

Setting his room in the cupboard, naming him 'Freak', making him do their chores, blaming him for any misfortune events happening in their life, beating him for slightest show of 'freakiness'. These were the few of the things that made his life hell, and today was one such day.

In the living room of the Dursley's a fat man was using his belt to hit a child of around age 6-7 years who was curled on the ground crying while pleading to stop.

(Harry's POV)

Life was nice. I don't know what's problem with me but I never forget anything. Maybe it's one of my freakishness as the Dursley's call. I still remember my loving mother, sister, father and uncles. They were good to me. Although I didn't knew what they meant to me when I used to live with them but when I found out what a family is, and how my Uncle and Aunt cares for my cousin I miss them.

After coming to Dursley's which I don't know how I arrived here, my life was okay. I was given food on time, had toys to play with and was even given a gift on my birthday which although was not comparable to Dudley who was given gifts one every occasions or even without any reasons but I didn't care.

All I wanted was my parents to come and take me away from here. It's not like I hated it here but I just wanted to be by my mother's side, in her arms, play with my sister, have fun with my father and his friends.

After waiting for almost 2 years I wasn't able to take it anymore as I finally asked my Aunt about my parents. But the response I got was not something I was not anticipating. She said that they died in a car accident. after that she started cursing my father about how he was a drunk, how he was responsible for the accident, going on and on making me very angry. All I wished at that time was that how good it would be if her lips would get stuck for hours making her unable to speak a single word and then that happened. The thing that changed my life forever.

He felt it, a part of something leaving his body and making it's way towards his aunt. And just after that she stopped talking. But that's not all. All the electric appliances in the house made some noice and stopped working. After that the things were never same.

The Dursley's started treating me like a slave, giving barely enough food and somedays not even a single meal.

They started calling me freak, but I knew I wasn't some freak. I still remember how my mother and father used to do some not so normal things to entertain me. I was same as them not a freak so I wasn't angry about this new name I was given as I felt that this freakishness is something I got from my dead parents. How can I hate the only thing I have that is similar to my parents. [A/N sorry wasn't able to express clearly what I wanted to say, as you guys can already see I'm not good at creativity so yeah...whatever].

All I wanted in my life was to leave this hell hole. Sometimes I even had thoughts of running away from here, but I didn't know where to go and the stuff Aunt Petunia told me about how dangerous it is for a child like me to be outside alone made me fearful too. So all I could do was silently endure and secretly explore my freakishness.

And that's how here I'm currently being beaten by Vernon for something that I didn't even do. I mean how is it my fault that he suffered a loss in his business? But what can I do instead of just enduring? Yeah make him unable to move that I learned recently and practiced on the neighbor's dog is a nice choice, but what comes after that is something I don't want to experience.

So I just endured and endured thinking about just running away. Maybe I can find a place outside where I can live freely. Maybe it won't be as bad as Aunt Petunia has said it is. And thus my desire to leave this hell became stronger and stronger and then I felt it again. The thing I always felt whenever I did my freakishness or what I named it after seeing similar things done by people in T.V. 'MAGIC'. I always felt it whenever I tried to do something abnormal. Sometimes I was successful sometimes I fail but this feeling was always present whenever I tried to do something magical.

But this time it was different, earlier this feeling came from inside my body but currently I felt it is present everywhere in the room, like waves of wind.

I felt like it was calling to me, extending it's 'hand' asking me to come with it and that I did. I tried to extend my 'hand' towards it and see what will happen but then I felt something stopping my 'hand' to reach it. And I didn't liked that feeling. I just want to leave from this place and now I found 'someone' who was willing to help me, how can I tolerate if something is trying to stop me.

Not this time, why should I suffer for things I am not responsible for? I have endured enough and with that thought I tried with all of my will to reach 'those hands', the ones which I have a feeling will take me away from here, somewhere far far away and suddenly I felt something broke inside me and it was too painful. So painful that all I could do was scream as I started feeling dizzy

The last thing I remembered before losing my consciousness was those 'Hands' meeting my 'hand' and a voice in my head.

-----GENERAL POV-----

Vernon Dursely, the head of the Dursley's was having his time while venting the loss he suffered in his business on his 'dear' Nephew. He was about to be done not because he felt somewhat pity fir the child but because he was exhausted and famished.

Just as he was about to let go the boy and ask him to make dinner he heard the boy scream " AAARRGHH...." and he vanished from the spot he was curling with a sound "POP" making him stunned and scared.


Author Here.

Okay so I have made some mistakes while choosing the body for MC during reincarnation as it was pointed in a comment, but what can I say. I'm totally new to writing something creatively and all those mistakes are for greater good. As that's why I am here writing a Fan-Fiction to improve my creativity and English instead of building something in my Minecraft world or killing players in PUBG.

Oh By The Way by Creativity I Meant Cliche stuffs. (^_^)