Marchioness - III

She Gently Grabbed My Cock with her Terrified, shaking hands... After that, she moves my Erect Cock like Joystick...

" Stroke it gently up and down... " I said to her...

" Understood " She replied and gently began to stroke My Dik Up and Down with her beautiful hands.

It felt wonderful for me as well... She looked at me anxiously and said " Do you like this?... I am doing it good right? " while I could see the Disgust hidden in her eyes...

She is really scared to die, isn't it? After all, I killed her entire Family in front of her eyes, and if she fails to pleasure me she will die too... So, she might be trying her best despite being Disgusted.

So, I did not say anything and let her continue.

After a couple of minutes, she started getting frustrated because she couldn't satisfy me and fear grew inside of her mind.... She looked more terrified and jumped back upon hearing my voice.

" Come on, go faster..." I told her... After all her movements were shallow and I couldn't feel good with her hands at all...

" You Can also use your Mouth and B00Bs," I said to her while she looked at me in confusion.

" I...I have no idea what... you are talking about." She said while she moved back her hair...

That's when it hit me, How does a virgin know these things?.. And now that I think about it, she also talks to me like a friend...

I mean, when was the last time you heard, a girl telling a person who killed an entire family in front of her, that the other party was hurting her?


" Suck My Dik... put it on your mouth while licking it with your tongue... suck it just like how you suck a Lolipop," I guided her...

"Ughkkk... " Hearing my words she almost threw up...

" You will let me live right? If... I... I Suck... It? " She asked...

" Yes, I am a man of my word... But only Suking it by upper mouth won't be enough... You should suck it from Lower lips too "

I said to her as she still looked frightened.

She did not speak a single word... Not even a reply... She kept looking down at the floor while moving her head forward slowly and sucking My Hard-on...

" Ukkk.... " After Sucking the tip of my Cock, she immediately threw it up while coughing...



Well, this wasn't going anywhere, I thought and pulled her while grabbing her arm...

Her Pusy was already wet, I kissed her neck and grabbed her breast...

I was highly attracted to her, I had no intention to kill her unlike other girls maybe because she resembled My Mother aka Alex's mother.

She also possesses a Tender, Silky-white Skin, Blonde hair and light Blue eyes. She also has a mole on her neck just like Mother with a Curvy body and long legs.

The only difference is that she looks Young Has a Pointy nose and is a maiden and my mother had a little thick fingers while she has slim ones.


I then gently grabbed her around her waist while spreading her butt cheeks apart with my free hand.

She trembled and turned red in the face... I then inserted my middle finger inside her Pusy...

" Ummmm..... Ahhhhhhh " She let out a Cute, Erotic Moan despite trying hard...

It was too great of a situation... Especially when I Kissed her neck, grabbed her breasts and inserted my finger inside her Vagina hitting her " Pure" Tissue...

She moaned louder, while she hold my head and pushed my face into her boobs while holding me tightly... That made me more aggressive and continued to Insert my Finger in her "Vagina"...

She Let Out Longer " Ahhhh ...Aaaaahh... Aaaaaahh" in between each movement of my finger...

My Finger slid inside smoothly... Her Pusy was super Tight, Wet and Hot... She tried so hard but could not Hold my finger as she Squirts and orgasm...

" Nhmmm..... "


After that, I pulled her up... Her legs were crossed around my hips and her arms wrapped around my neck...

I Put my Cock inside her Pusy... " Ahhh... " She moans while I insert it...

" Arghhh... " she screams as I tear her Virgin Wall and push Forward, her grip around my neck became strong as I pushed forward.

I can hear her screaming in Pain as blood flowed through her Pusy through the little tiny space between my cock and her vaginal wall...

But it didn't matter to me, I could feel her moaning...

" Uhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh!! ... " she moaned loud and passionately as I pushed myself further...

She looked at me with teary eyes... While I focused in her wet link lips...

" Ummmhwaaaaa..... "

" Mwahhhhh... " This time she didn't close her mouth, stopping my tongue to Cause Havoc inside her mouth...

I could smell her Sweat mixed with some kind of perfume which made my Cock grow even bigger... her smell was too erotic, it smells like Lily

" AHHHHH " her voice was getting weaker and louder...

" Are you cumming?? " I whispered in her ears,

She tried to hide her red face, while she moans erotically "Nmmm" as she Cums...