Elder Duke Daughter's...

However, when she thought Alex would break it too... And she closes her eyes while her body still trembles in pain... Alex didn't break it...

She opened her eyes while her body was still in pain... She felt extreme pain coming from her legs... Alex didn't spare it either... As He was just waiting for her to open her eyes...



Alex casts "Heal" and "Recover" spells on Sesta...

Arghhhhhhhh! Arghhhhhh!

Sesta who's body was healed and recovered, screamed loudly as her Voice was back and her arms and legs were also healed completely now...

" Round 2... What will you do, spread it or shall I break your arms and legs again " Alex says...

Sesta body's trembles as she slowly spreads her legs... While her White Dress covers her Crotch...

" Remove Your dress too... " Alex says and Sesta removes her dress with her beautiful hands which were Trembling... It was a long dress with No sleeves so, she just removed the parts on the shoulders and her dress fell down as she got up in bed.

The younger sister was Still petrified in fear, she didn't know what was happening... Her Mind had whitened... It's all all blink and her Vision wasn't being processed by her mind...


Sesta Was wearing a luxurious White Bra and Beautiful white Underwear...Which she removed slowly... Her Bare big Breast was in front of Alex, her Light Pinkish Nipple looked pretty Juicy.

Her body was Shaking and trembling in fear, but she still gathered the courage and Spoke, " Why.... Are... You Doing this...? " breathlessly.

"Me?.... it was started by your Father," Alex says with a cold voice that echoed through the room... Which makes her more scared...

" My... Father? " Sesta Said Lightly like she didn't know what her father did, How was her father related to this...

" Yes... I heard your Father was rebellious to the Kingdom " Alex says while his hands gently rubbed in her vagina...

She tries to push his hand which was Rubbing her Vagina, " Are.... You... Sent... By the King... " she says with a weak Voice.

" None of your Matters... " Alex says while he grabs her hands and pushes her into the bed...

Sesta didn't like it at all as she hated the man in front of her, she didn't like how he spoke at all... He Speaks as if he is righteous and is on higher terms... Or status.

However, her body froze as something, an unknown feeling comes from her Vagina... It felt like her body was trying to release something... Her back felt electrical... As her eyes closed...

"hmmm" and with a Soft Moan, She Cums... She opened her eyes as she looked at her Wet Private region... She didn't have good feelings about this... As Alex starts to Remove his Pants.

Argh! She screams as Alex shows his Fat, Erect Cock to her...

" No... " She says as she knows what is going to happen next, There is no way that big and Fat is going to fit inside... The first time hurts and with that big and long it's going to hurt more...

Alex Grabs her hand with his left arm and holds it above her head...

" Shall I break your arms and legs again... Or you will spread it " Alex's Cold voice rings into her ears as she looks at his Cold emotionless face,

And her legs which she Had crossed, she slowly Spreads it... As she didn't have good options... She would feel Pain either way.


While she closed her eyes, She accepted her Fate... The tears on her cheeks were dried as she her legs were spread to Take on the Cock Of Unknown Man.

" Uhmmm.... " Her Body Jerks as her face Twitched, Alex insert His cock... Which stops at her Thin Tissue... And with a Gentle push he pops the Cheery...

" Aghhh.... " Her body shakes as she clenched into bedsheets trying not to make any sound but a Small sound still escapes her mouth...

She felt a rushing pain from her private region... As Alex's Cock pushes more forward...

Her body starts to move forward while her grip on the bedsheets, tightens... Her Mouth was open while she still tried to hold the Voice... Not wanting to show her Pain...

Alex Granbs her Thighs and spread her Legs more... While he inserts his cock deeper...

" Arghhhhh! " Despite her hard tries of not wanting to produce any sound.... She still screams as it was painful.... Her body moves move forward close to alex... As she wanted to hold his shoulders.... And grab onto him tight...

But who was he? A Predator? A r@pist? He is just a bad guy... So, she still held onto the Bedsheets...


Her chest moves forward while her head was at looking at top....

"Uhmmm...Mmmm" She moans Alex's cock enters more inside... While holding her Thigh.... Alex inserts more deeper inside her...

While her body starts to tremble more... Her legs were shaking...

[I will drop the Model once again in comment ]