Alex vs demon ( Power revealing )

Just when he was about to talk to her... He could sense the Demonic energy, he never personally take care of them... But he wanted to see, Hiw powerful are these demons...


His figure vanished from the vision of Alice who was left surprised...


Amidst the inky blackness of the demon-infested realm, Alex stood resolute, an embodiment of boundless power and Mighty figure. His Cold Purple eyes radiated an otherworldly intensity, mirroring the limitless supernatural abilities that surged within him. Hidden beneath his reputation as a cold and ruthless ruler lay a secret - he possessed infinite supernatural capabilities.

Infinite Supernatual Being : He absorbed the system which also grant him " Infinite Capabilities " ability which allows him to mimic any abilities he has seen , or can think of and can use inhumane strength and speed... Making him partially omnipotent.

The demons, sensing his presence and power, charged at him with a thunderous roar.

" Human.... Hahaha.... Kill "

Their grotesque forms surged forward like a nightmarish tide.

Yet, Alex remained unyielding, his supernatural abilities flowing through him without restraint.

With a commanding boom!, he conjured a wall of searing fire that engulfed the demons in its blazing fury. Their agonized screeches filled the air as they were reduced to nothing more than ashes.

Despite the demonic onslaught, more fiends pressed forward, their thick, impenetrable skin rendering them nearly impervious to conventional attacks.

Alex's supernatural abilities pulsed with unparalleled strength, and he harnessed the full force of his reality manipulation. With a mere thought, he bent the fabric of reality, causing the demons to stumble and falter as if the very ground had shifted beneath them.

A mere slash! of his hand summoned a blade of pure energy, slicing through the demons effortlessly. His movements were a symphony of swishes and swashes as he danced through the battlefield, demons falling before him like wheat before a scythe.

The air itself crackled with the raw energy of his supernatural abilities as he conjured bolts of lightning, sending them arcing through the demon ranks. The fiends convulsed and writhed, their flesh seared by the electrifying onslaught.

Unrelenting, the demons surged forward, their sheer numbers testing the limits of Alex's boundless power. But he stood unwavering, tapping into the depths of his infinite supernatural abilities.

But more demons pressed forward, undeterred by the fiery onslaught.

" Human dare resist.... A mere mortal..... hahahahahahh "


Alex's supernatural abilities flared to life, and he tapped into the weak version of reality manipulation that dwelled within him. With a mere thought, he altered the fabric of reality, causing the demons to falter and stumble as if the ground had shifted beneath them.

" Hmm.... Demons, You shall perish "

With a slash! of his hand, he summoned a blade of pure energy, cutting through the demons with ease. His movements were a blur of swishes and swashes as he danced through the battlefield, the demons falling like wheat before a scythe.

The air crackled with the power of his supernatural abilities as he conjured lightning, sending bolts of electricity arcing through the demon ranks. They convulsed and writhed in agony, their flesh scorched and smoldering.

But the demons were relentless, their sheer numbers and infernal strength pushing even Alex's limitless power to its limits. He could feel the strain, the toll it took on his very being.

With a dash! of supernatural speed, he moved through the battlefield, his body a blur as he dispatched demons with swift, deadly precision. Each movement was a calculated strike, a testament to the supernatural abilities that flowed through him.

But as the battle raged on, the demons seemed to adapt, their attacks growing more coordinated and relentless. They pressed closer, their grotesque forms threatening to overwhelm him.

explosive baam! of power, he unleashed a shockwave that sent demons flying in all directions. The ground trembled beneath the force of the blast, and the air was filled with the acrid scent of burned flesh.

However relentless the demons became, their attacks grew more coordinated and ruthless. They pressed closer, their grotesque forms intent on overwhelming him.

But Alex knew he was invincible, his limitless power unwavering. With an explosive baam! of otherworldly might, he unleashed a shockwave that sent the demons hurtling in all directions. The very ground quaked beneath the ferocity of the blast, and the air carried the acrid scent of their obliterated forms.

As the dust settled, Alex stood alone, untouched by the chaos that had unfolded. His breath was steady, his form unblemished, and his resolve unbroken. The demons lay vanquished, their once-overwhelming numbers reduced to nothingness.

" You are strong.... Very strong... "



" I am Venmo.... The Demon general, From Orbin Race, may I have pleasure to Know the Name of one in front of me "

" Venmo.... I am Venmo Slayer " Alex replied...

" Hahahahaha, Interestingg," Venmo said while he looked at alex with his red eyes...

" Kneel! " but his face turned into horror... When with a mere wird of mortal, his body followed...

Venmo was kneeling...infrint of a mortal... A human... Wland he didn't had a slight control over his Body.

• all controlling Eye.

- Mastery - 80%.