The Battle with Monster God.

~The Battle Against Cendroid, the Monster God


Alex arrives at the Battle field... Or soon to be battle field.

Alex, a vast expanse of desolation and destruction. At the far end of the battlefield stood Cendroid, the Monster God, a towering behemoth of unimaginable power. His monstrous form was a grotesque amalgamation of scales, tentacles, and claws, and his malevolent gaze bore into Alex with a searing intensity.

" Human.... Hahaha hahaha"


With a deafening roar, Cendroid charged forward, his colossal form shaking the very earth beneath him. The ground trembled as he approached, and the air filled with a palpable sense of dread. Boom! The impact of his footsteps sent shockwaves through the battlefield.


Alex stood his ground, his Ice-Clad Blade gleaming with a cold, unforgiving light. As Cendroid closed the distance, Alex swung his sword with a mighty swoosh! The blade struck the Monster God's hide, but it barely left a scratch. Cendroid's scales were like armor, impervious to harm.

Swish! Swoosh!


With a furious swish! of his tentacles, Cendroid unleashed a barrage of attacks. His tentacles lashed out with blinding speed, each strike carrying enough force to shatter mountains. Alex dodged and parried with precision, his movements a mesmerizing dance of evasion.




Cendroid's roars of rage sent shockwaves through the air, and his tentacles crashed into the ground with bone-shattering force. The battlefield was a scene of chaos and destruction as the two Powerhouse clashed.



Alex retaliated with a surge of power, unleashing his Frost Nova with a resounding boom! The icy wave washed over Cendroid, encasing his tentacles in a thick layer of frost. The Monster God roared in agony, his movements slowed.



Seizing the opportunity, Alex closed the gap with blinding speed. With a powerful slash, he struck at Cendroid's vulnerable underbelly. Swoosh! The Ice-Clad Blade sliced through the Monster God's flesh, drawing dark ichor that sizzled on contact with the icy blade.

" Ghhhhhbb..... Human.... "

Cendroid howled in pain, his massive form staggering backward. But he was far from defeated. With a furious swipe of his tentacles, he sent Alex hurtling through the air. Alex crashed to the ground with a resounding thud, his Body absorbing the impact.

" Hahahaahahah.... Intresting " Alex laughed..... The fuking guy with No emotion, Emotionless Inhuman Alex Laughed.... The feeling of pain, The feeling of Getting beaten... Something totally new experience after reincarnation...

It was Wonderful for Alex as he laughs like Maniac... And looks at the Monster god with his Glowing red eyes...his eyes color changed to red and he was looking at Monster god as if he was the god... And monster god was the mortal.

As Alex got up to his feet, Cendroid closed in with relentless determination. The Monster God's tentacles lashed out once more, their deadly swish! striking with blinding speed. Alex evaded and parried, his movements a testament to his unwavering resolve.



The ground quaked as Cendroid unleashed his devastating attacks, each strike with enough force to level a city. The battlefield was a scene of devastation, the very earth torn asunder.

" Human face... The wrath of God " The monster God roared....

But Alex would not yield. With a final surge of power, he unleashed his Voidbind. Shadowy tendrils shot forth from his outstretched hand, ensnaring Cendroid's tentacles and immobilizing them. The Monster God roared in frustration as he struggled to break free.

" Face Wrath? Who?.... Where? And when?, .... Hahaha" The Emotionless Alex laughs...

With grim determination, Alex approached the immobilized Cendroid. His Ice-Clad Blade gleamed with cold malice as he struck with all his might. Swoosh! The blade pierced the Monster God's heart, drawing forth a torrent of dark ichor.

" Then.... God, Face the Judgement of Mortal, Myself Alex, A man. It's pleasure to meet you " Alex mocks the God... Before he finally end the Enternal suffering of the God.

Cendroid let out a deafening, anguished roar, his monstrous form convulsing in pain. With a final, resounding boom!, he collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

The battlefield fell silent, the echoes of battle fading into the distance.

Alex stood alone amidst the carnage, his breath heavy and his body covered in sweat and ichor. The battle against Cendroid, the Monster God, had been the most ferocious of his life, a battle of Apex...

The first time he broke two Sweats... And the first time he received pain...

With a sense of grim satisfaction, Alex wiped the ichor from his blade and sheathed it. The monster was defeated, and the battlefield was stained with the blood of the fallen.

The night was long and limitless... But it's time to return Back to Aeloria... And Night Enchantress? Leave her here...


Alex Figure Vanishes from the Monster land... As there wasn't more challenge for him here... The place isn't worthy to have Ultimate Sigma's presence.