Trio Vs Voidspawn.


On the blood-soaked battleground, Apple, Banana, and Carrot stood shoulder to shoulder, their identities concealed by masks, their new names bestowed upon them by Alex.

They were a formidable trio, their bond forged in the crucible of single battle and Same group of summons. Today, they faced an unknown and sinister foe, demons from the depths of the abyss. While they walked more further into demon territory.

As the demonic horde advanced, their grotesque forms shrouded in darkness, Apple, the enigmatic commander, raised his hand, and his comrades fell into formation. They knew that the battle ahead would be one of the greatest tests of their mettle.



The demons, their eyes aflame with malevolence, charged forward with a deafening roar. Among them were Hellhounds, creatures wreathed in flames, and Shadowstalkers, elusive entities that moved like whispers in the night.



From above, a monstrous demon known as the Voidspawn descended, its massive form casting an ominous shadow over the battlefield. It let out an earth-shaking roar, a sound that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest warriors.



Apple, Banana, and Carrot wasted no time. They moved with the precision of a well-oiled machine, their movements coordinated to perfection. They knew that their strength lay in their unity and their unwavering trust in each other.


Apple, a master of combat, lunged forward with supernatural speed, his blade slicing through the first wave of Hellhounds. The fiery creatures fell, their agonized cries silenced by the cool embrace of death.


Swoosh! Swoosh!

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Banana, the archer of the trio, unleashed a relentless flurry of arrows, each finding its mark with unerring accuracy. The demons, their forms wreathed in flames, writhed in agony as they were consumed by her relentless assault.


Carrot, The Golden Archer, channeled his powers to create a Arrow of swirling arcane energy that Attack their group of Hellhounds.

The flames and darkness of the demonic horde crashed against their Arcane arrow... Injuring the demons greatly.



The demons howled in frustration, their relentless assault met with unyielding resolve. The trio and their nameless comrades fought with a fierce determination, their unity and coordination proving to be their greatest strength.



The Hellhounds, their fiery maws agape, launched a second wave of attacks, their claws slashing through the air. Apple, Banana, and Carrot led the charge, meeting the hellish beasts head-on. With each strike, they felled another demon, their movements a whirlwind of death and destruction.


The Shadowstalkers, elusive and elusive, sought to sow chaos among the ranks of the nameless warriors. But Apple, his senses honed by years of battle, anticipated their every move. With a deft swing of his blade, he struck down the shadowy assassins, their forms dissipating into nothingness.



The Voidspawn, wounded but far from defeated, unleashed a cataclysmic blast that threatened to engulf the battlefield. Apple, Banana, and Carrot, their resolve unbroken, rallied their comrades. With a combined effort, they created a protective barrier that absorbed the brunt of the attack, preventing annihilation.

"Stay together!" Apple called out. "We are facing an enemy unlike any we've encountered before!"

The demonic horde pressed on, their relentless assault testing the resolve of the nameless warriors. Roaars and cries of the abyss filled the air, mingling with the clash of weapons and the sound of arcane incantations.


The Hellhounds, relentless in their fiery fury, closed in on Apple, Banana, and Carrot, but the nameless comrades provided covering fire. With each arrow and spell, they kept the fiery beasts at bay, allowing the trio to focus on dispatching them one by one.


The Shadowstalkers, their ethereal forms nearly impossible to target, moved with a deadly grace. But Carrot, his conjuring powers pushed to the limit, summoned a radiant light that dispelled their shadows, exposing them to Banana's unerring arrows.


The Voidspawn, wounded but far from defeated, unleashed a cataclysmic blast that threatened to engulf the battlefield. Apple, Banana, and Carrot rallied their comrades, their voices ringing out with unshakable resolve. With a combined effort, they created a protective barrier that absorbed the brunt of the attack, preventing annihilation.

"We must bring down the Voidspawn!" Apple commanded, his voice unwavering despite the chaos that surrounded them.

With a fierce determination, the trio and their nameless comrades rallied. Apple engaged the Voidspawn in a deadly duel, his blade clashing against the demon's massive claws. Banana unleashed her arrows with unparalleled accuracy, targeting the Voidspawn's vulnerable points.

unknown member, the conjurer of the group, channeled his powers to create a rift in the fabric of reality. With a final, resounding cry, he unleashed a torrent of energy that engulfed the Voidspawn, banishing it back to the depths from whence it came.

But the battle was far from over. The remaining demons, though diminished in number, continued their relentless assault. With each strike, each clash of steel, the trio and their nameless comrades fought with a determination that defied the very limits of their strength.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the battlefield, the trio and their comrades stood as a bulwark against the tide of darkness.

For Honour!

For Heavens!

Their identities remained hidden behind masks,

With one final, resounding clash of steel against steel, the last of the demons fell, their cries silenced forever. Apple, Banana, Carrot, and their nameless comrades stood victorious.

their unity and coordination having carried them through a battle that would be remembered for generations to come.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the night, the trio and their comrades knew that their mission was complete.

Most of them had a feeling they would get a name and a identity, the warriors of heaven were excited to know the Judgement of their Master.


" You There.... From now on your name shall be, Dew Berry, The conjurer " Alex said while points his finger at the unknown member whose defensive abilities were So-So in eyes of Alex, The alpha.

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