House of the marquis of an

Chapter 9 - House of the Marquis of An

The horse carriage traveled through almost half of the capital, and only after two hours did it come to a stop.

Gu Yicheng got out of the carriage first, and intentionally waited by the bench with good intentions. When Yun Qianliang was about to get down, she extended her hand out with good intentions.

Yun Qianliang's movement paused, she looked at his hands, then looked at the place where the carriage had stopped.

"You have to prepare your own gifts. A thousand taels is the acting fee, there's no need for gifts." Yun Qianliang answered seriously, and did not plan to get off the carriage even before Gu Yicheng retracted his hand.

Gu Yicheng slightly raised his head, he looked at the lady who was standing on the carriage with her back facing the sunlight, speaking to him with a lowered gaze, a complex feeling flashed past her eyes. He then retracted his hand and walked towards the manor on the left with his back towards it.

Yun Qianliang quickly jumped off the horse carriage and followed suit.

House of the Marquis of An?

Yun Qianliang's eyes quickly swept across the door's signboard, and the four words on it caused her heart to thump loudly.

Marquis of Anguo was the only Marquis today. When he was young, he fought on the battlefield with the ancestors of the Song Family. Even though he had retired from the imperial court and had nothing to do, he still maintained his prestige. Even the Emperor would have to give him face if he were to say anything.

When the guards of the House of the Marquis of An saw Gu Yicheng's respectful and humble attitude, they did not feel unfamiliar with him, as if he was their master.

"Greetings to the prime minister and madam."

Upon entering the House of the Marquis of An, there was a servant in Zhang Luo's residence who greeted the two respectfully and even Yun Qianliang, who was meeting them for the first time, knew them.

"Brat, you actually know how to come?" There was an old man sitting in a wheelchair being pushed over. Although he was complaining, he was deliberately suppressing the curve of his lips. The joy in his eyes betrayed his thoughts.

"Grandfather." Gu Yicheng's attitude was still the same as before, neither too cold nor too hot. He called out indifferently, and not even a shred of closeness could be heard from his voice.

The smile on Yun Qianliang's lips stiffened, she suddenly turned to look at Gu Yicheng who was by her side leisurely, in between her brows, there was not only shock, but also suspicion and worry.

Before she came here, she had thought to not delve too deeply into Gu Xiangfu and Gu Yicheng, but when she discovered that the situation was not under her control, she became confused and seemed to know something that she shouldn't have known.

"This must be the Little Yun girl." Marquis of Anguo had already been pushed close to the guard, and her attitude of talking to Yun Qianliang was completely different from her previous boredom, on the contrary, she was a little happy.

Yun Qianliang stabilized her mind, she kept her thoughts in place, and her expression softened, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she bowed to the 60 year old elder.

"Greetings to grandfather from my grandson, the Yun family." Yun Qianliang was well-mannered, and acted according to Gu Yicheng's instructions on the carriage, maintaining a consistent pace.

Marquis of Anguo's eyes sized up the lady in front of him. Her beauty was astonishing, her eyes were upright, and did not resemble the rumours.

Previously, when he found out that the Emperor had bestowed him a marriage and forced his grandson to marry Yun Xiang Mansion, whose reputation was spread far and wide, he became enraged and wanted to go to the palace to find the Emperor for a reason.

Fortunately, his grandson had sent someone to stop him in time. Otherwise, everyone would know of his relationship with Gu Yicheng.

After the marriage, he had always wanted to meet the rumored granddaughter's wife, but that stinking brat had repeatedly refused. Thus, he could only use the hunger strike to force her to come, and only then could he meet her today.

Today, seeing that Yun Qianliang was not as willful and despotic as the rumors, but was instead a woman with a delicate heart, he felt a little more at ease.

"You only know how to stand there foolishly. Don't you know how to help your wife up?" Marquis of Anguo roared at the man standing upright.

Gu Yicheng let out an impatient sigh, extended his hand to help Yun Qianliang up, and said: "There are no etiquette in House of the Marquis of An, there is no need to bow."

"That's not so good, is it?" Yun Qianliang whispered.

"What's wrong with it? What can Grandpa do to the Emperor when he sees him sitting there?" The two whiskers in Marquis of Anguo's mouth went up and down, making her look really cute.

Marquis of Anguo's legs were inconvenient, it was an old disease that he had left behind on the battlefield before.

"In that case, I'll do as you wish." Yun Qianliang pursed his lips and smiled deeply.

"Little Yun girl, come in and have lunch." Marquis of Anguo cordially invited Yun Qianliang into the room, and sweetly said: "That Yi Cheng brat actually managed to marry such a beautiful wife, he truly took advantage of me."

"Grandfather must be joking. The young master is handsome, powerful and is the dream lover of all the women in the capital. Being able to marry the young master is my fortune." The corner of Yun Qianliang's mouth curved into a bashful smile as he praised naturally.

Yun Qianliang took over the task of pushing the wheelchair from the guard and walked towards the main hall while pushing the Marquis of Anguo.

Within the main hall.

The round table was already filled with dishes. Regardless of whether it was the size of the bowl, chopsticks, or even the temperature, they were all just right.

However, Yun Qianliang was somewhat absent-minded when it came to eating, and he was still as clever as a monkey when he dealt with Marquis of Anguo's questions. He calmed down the doubts that were lingering in her mind, and could not get rid of them.

"Little Yun girl, when are you going to let Grandfather carry someone else?" Marquis of Anguo's words were shocking.

Hearing that, Yun Qianliang who was drinking her tea choked, and continued to cough.

Gu Yicheng placed his hand on her back and patted her back to ease her anger, speaking up to answer Marquis of Anguo's tricky questions.

"Shallow body is not good, wait until you have recovered before taking children." Gu Yicheng's intimate address made goosebumps all over Yun Qianliang's body. The numbness made her shiver, Gu Yicheng purposely misinterpreted it and brought a cup of hot tea to her mouth, "Have a cup of hot tea to warm your body."

With much difficulty, Yun Qianliang stopped her coughing, waved her hand, and allowed the cup of hot tea to roll away.

When chatting with Marquis of Anguo, she had to remember not to eat or drink.

"The previous Emperor sent someone to bring a good thousand year ginseng, take it back and help the Little Yun girl heal its body." The Marquis of Anguo ordered the butler to get the ginseng.

"Grandfather, my body …" Just as Yun Qianliang was about to reject, he heard Gu Yicheng's whispers when he pretended to be intimate with her. She swallowed all the words in her throat back into her stomach, and fiercely pinched her thigh, causing her face to pale in pain. "I didn't do well, it was only a matter of time.

"There is an army doctor in my house who has been with the army for a long time. Have him come and take a look."

Without waiting for Yun Qianliang to reject, Gu Yicheng, who was beside him, had already promised, "That's fine, I don't need you to think about my wife everyday."

Yun Qianliang frowned as he looked at Gu Yicheng. He could think of a way to make his face turn pale, but where would she be able to cause such a sickness?

When you turn your face, you betray your promise.

Yun Qianliang's face changed slightly as she facepalmed, thinking about how to deal with the following matter.

The House of the Marquis of An's doctor was a white-haired old man, with a white beard that was as long as his fingers. However, he was old, and had steady steps, clearly showing that he had been training with the army for many years, and still possessed a strong and healthy body.

"Greetings, Master Hou. Greetings, Madam." The old man came forward with the medicine box and bowed.

"Fructus Ligustris Sativus, don't bother with all this nonsense, hurry up and tell Little Yun girl about it." Marquis of Anguo waved his hand.

"Yes." Fructus Ligustris Sativus got up, carried his medicine box and walked to Yun Qianliang's side, placed the mat on the table, and then said to Yun Qianliang: "Madam, please extend your hand."

Yun Qianliang extended her hand out as if throwing caution to the wind.

Fructus Ligustris Sativus placed the thin handkerchief over his white wrist, checking his pulse through the handkerchief.