Plan succeeded

Chapter 17 - Success of the Plan

Inside The King's Manor of Ning Xi.

Song Shujin sat on the main seat coldly, waiting for his brother and wife who were heading to Gu Xiangfu to return.

When all the servants in the mansion saw the handsome prince sitting in the hall, they couldn't help but look at him shyly. With a cursory glance, they quickly walked past, their faces completely red.

Song Shujin indifferently sat there, with no intention to taste the tea as he closed his eyes to rest.

It had only been three days since the The King's Manor of Ning Xi's banquet, but all sorts of discussions and discussions had been going on since then. The storytellers in the restaurants were able to listen to the situation and were able to recount a few books and earn a lot of money. Everything was spread as if there was someone controlling it from behind the scenes.

In the past few days, Song Shujin had been feeling restless. He had only asked him out a few times to deal with it perfunctorily.

Although the Yun Family did not have much authority in the imperial court, Yun Qinan had a high position. She was good at deducing and deducing the holy intents in this situation, if not she would not have been able to do it step by step.

Yun Qianliang's mother was the daughter of a sinful subject, coupled with her unreasonable and domineering personality, making even his own father unwilling to see his again, he was destined to be a useless chess piece. Moreover, she was doted upon by his father. If she were to marry her, Yun Qinan would naturally go on the same boat as him, in order to gain status as him.

Hearing the steady footsteps approaching, Song Shujin opened his eyes and stood up. It was the King Rupu couple that had returned to his residence.

"Royal brother, sister-in-law." Song Shujin's words carried a rare sense of familiarity.

"Su Jin, I've made you so anxious." "It seems like he has truly fallen for Second Miss Yun."

King Rupu was calm and composed, he smiled bitterly and invited his brother into the hall.

Song Shujin saw that the King Rupu did not look too optimistic, and thus did not have much of an ending. He did not urge the other party to speak of it, and instead drank tea quietly, without saying anything else.

"Su Jin, as your brother, I still have to advise you. If you truly want to marry Second Miss Yun, then marry her and go home. Before this, do not interfere too much in the Yun Family's affairs, lest it arouses your brother Huang's suspicion." King Rupu earnestly advised.

"What does royal brother mean by this?" Song Shujin drank a mouthful of tea and pretended ignorance.

Seeing that, King Rupu sighed in his heart, but he was not willing to say anything.

"Gu Xiang doesn't have any plans to let this go." "When I came back, I did see Yun Qianliang. The first time I saw her, was when royal father bestowed the marriage to you two. At that time, she was quite sensible and was a clever girl. I think it's quite different from the rumors in the outside world to see you again today. "

King Rupu suddenly remembered the beautiful woman standing there. Although she was sick, her demeanor and bearing was definitely not someone from a small family.

Especially those eyes, underneath the gloom was a clear clarity, like the vast and boundless sky, hiding a part of the pure land of the world.

How could such a pair of clear and clean eyes exist in the rumors?

"I've never interacted with her, so I don't know if her hatred is inevitable or not." The loathing in Song Shujin's eyes was revealed without any concealment, as if Yun Qianliang was the ultimate humiliation in his life, and would carry a sense of hatred whenever it was mentioned.

"Maybe." King Rupu replied.

"Does my royal sister-in-law have any medicine for her to drink?" Song Shujin asked Princess Xi who was seated on the right side.

"I've personally told her what you said. Even though she wanted to take the medicine in front of me as an excuse, I didn't mind. After she drank the medicine in front of me, with my help, she didn't notice anything amiss." Princess Xi thought back to the time when he saw her in Green Pine Academy. That pitiful little appearance, she couldn't help but feel sympathy for him, "Su Jin, there shouldn't be any problems with the medicine, right?"

"Indeed, the person with the sliding tire didn't consume it." Song Shujin answered truthfully.

He had asked someone to make that medicine. There were two special herbs inside. Normally, a person with a miscarriage would have a good body if they took a certain amount of it. If they didn't, then not only would they be injured, but they would also have a difficult time getting pregnant.

This medicine was very common in the harem in the past. Later on, those two medicines became forbidden medicine in the palace and could not be used again.

"Royal brother, I still have matters to attend to in the estate, so I'll be taking my leave first." Song Shujin got up to leave. Without waiting for the King Rupu couple to reply, he quickly turned and left.

King Rupu could only sigh as he looked at Lei Li's back.

Exiting the The King's Manor of Ning Xi, Song Shujin's personal guard, Lu Zhe, was waiting by the side of the carriage.

Song Shujin boarded the horse carriage, Lu Zhe sat on the carriage and the coachman drove off.

The carriage rushed towards the Jin Mansion, and when it passed by the Gu Xiangfu, Song Shujin lifted the carriage curtain to take a look, his face was terrifyingly black.

Yun Qianliang, who already knew the situation, drank that night to recuperate and proved the truth in front of Princess Xi.

Once news of Yun Qingyan killing the son of the Gu Xiang spread out, Yun Qingyan would have no use.

Song Shujin angrily put down the curtain and pressed on his temples which were on his forehead.

After entering the Jin Mansion, Song Shujin then asked the guards that followed closely behind.

"What did you find out?" Song Shujin walked towards the study room and asked.

"This subordinate has seen cook and found out that not long after Yun Qianliang was married into Gu Xiangfu, she started her daily recuperation. The tonic was brought to the kitchen by Gu San himself and was ordered to be boiled up, but there is something very strange, this subordinate wanted to bring some medicinal dregs back to investigate. When I heard about the place where the medicinal dregs were poured from from from cook, I discovered that the medicinal dregs that were buried in the ground have been burnt by someone." Lu Zhe followed suit and took out a grey kernels s from his bosom. He opened the kernels s' palms and said, "This is a medicinal herb that cook stole from the medicine, it is indeed a nourishing medicine."

Song Shujin glanced at the herbs in the kernels s, a lot of them were tonics that he was familiar with.

Yun Qianliang was really pregnant?

This thought finally formed in his mind, causing Song Shujin to frown.

The lady with an aquamarine personality had been pestering him without letting him go, but when she turned around, she was pregnant with someone else's child!

"Let cloud phase go look for Yun Qianliang." Song Shujin explained.

Since the situation had already reached this point, then he could only save the outcome. It would be best if he could handle Yun Qinan's daughter by himself.

"What if Gu Xiang doesn't want to see me …" Lu Zhe stated his difficult position.

That day, under the gaze of everyone, the two sisters fell over. One of them fainted but was fine, the other had been married for more than a month and bled. It was said in the streets that Yun Qingyan caused Senior Sister to miscarry and angered, so would the Gu Xiangfu let the Yun Family in this time?

"Wait and see." Song Shujin replied calmly.

When Yun Qinan went to the Gu Xiangfu to see her married daughter, even if Gu Yicheng had reason, he was afraid that she would not be able to stop her father-in-law from visiting.

However, Song Shujin never thought that Yun Qianliang would be such a variable.

After he sent the message to Yun Qinan, Yun Qinan prepared a huge gift to visit his daughter. Although they were only people in the Gu Xiangfu, they did not meet Yun Qianliang personally.

The next day, news began to spread. The Yun Family concubinage had harmed the Senior Sister, and her father had come to plead for mercy. Madam Gu, who had suffered greatly from the rumors, felt fear towards the Yun Family.

As a result, there was a new trend in the capital.