Each calculation

Chapter 23 - Separate calculations

Waiting until the Cloud Water Pavilion only had the three master and servant, the well-behaved Chun Hua and Qiu Yue finally spoke out.

"Someone from the Hibiscus Courtyard actually dared to poison you. This lowly slave should immediately report this to the authorities and arrest her." Qiu Yue was so angry that she wanted to directly rush to the Hibiscus Courtyard to capture him and personally beat him up to vent her anger.

"No rush." Yun Qianliang said calmly.

"The people of the Hibiscus Courtyard relied on the power of the Gu Xiang to not only look down on the Madam but also dared to poison you. Do you really want the Madam to let this go?" Chun Hua frowned, she felt that after her master was saved, she had become completely different. She was someone who no one could provoke before, but now, she had endured suffering again and again.

Poison was a malicious practice that he could not tolerate.

If the black cat didn't slip into Cloud Water Pavilion today, and the lotus seed soup fell into Master's stomach, then the one in trouble would be Master.

"Forget it?" Yun Qianliang chewed on the words, her eyes quickly became cold, "Other people gave me blades, how can I give them honey? The punishment for capturing someone is proof, and with Shui Qin's words alone, not only would it not be deemed as a crime, it would even alert the enemy. "

"Madam, have you thought of a way?" Qiu Yue's eyes lit up.

"Since you want me to die, there will naturally be a next time when I fail this time. As long as you keep an eye on me, there won't be any worry that the fox won't be able to show his tail." Yun Qianliang looked at the black cat's corpse that was wrapped in cloth, and the expression in her eyes became darker, "Chun Hua, go find the butler and have him find a reliable doctor behind his back."

Chun Hua nodded and left, Yun Qianliang continued to instruct, "Qiu Yue, go and get some honey from the kitchen."

"What does Madame want honey for?" Qiu Yue was curious.

A carefree expression surfaced on Yun Qianliang's face as he said in amusement, "Catch an ant."

"The Madam is joking with Qiu Yue again." Qiu Yue stomped her feet, turned, and ran away.

Yun Qianliang shook his head helplessly. She really wanted honey to catch the ants.

After the two servants left, Yun Qianliang lightly tapped the table with her fingers, and gently knocked as if she was knocking.

"Could it be that the two of you are only responsible for not being killed by outsiders, and for turning a blind eye to the matter of the mansion's servants poisoning me?" Yun Qianliang spoke into the empty air.

At first, she thought that it was the Cloud Water Pavilion's secret guard, so she didn't care too much about it. However, when she left the Cloud Water Pavilion, even when she was heading towards the The King's Manor of Ning Xi, she felt someone's eyes staring at her. She immediately understood that Gu Yicheng had sent someone to watch her from the shadows.

Firstly, don't let her die, and secondly, monitor her closely to prevent her from becoming a spy sent by Song Shujin and the Yun Family, which would be detrimental to Gu Xiangfu.

She was sitting up straight, unafraid of surveillance, and protected by someone.

The two guards in the dark hesitated for a while, but in the end, they still showed themselves.

"Subordinate Gu Shisan, Gu Shisi greets Madam." The two men in dark clothing cupped their fists. They were tall and straight and walked with light steps. One glance was enough to tell that they were practicing martial arts.

"Since the Prime Minister has made the two of you watch over me, you should watch over him properly. Do you think you have failed in your duty to do what you did today?" Yun Qianliang smiled and raised an eyebrow, "As the saying goes, be on your guard, it is hard to guard against thieves in the family. I shall ask the two of you to take note of this matter, and keep a close eye on the master and servant of Hibiscus Courtyard, and obtain the evidence. "

She only had two servants by her side, so she could only do inner chamber matters. She didn't know how to track down evidence, so she exposed the existence of the hidden guards, making it easier for her to use them to do things.

"This subordinate's duty is to protect Madam from the shadows. If we leave, when Madam is in danger …" Gu Shisan, who was a bit thinner on the right, answered.

Yun Qianliang raised her hand to stop the other party from continuing to evade, "Finding the person who tried to poison me is also a form of protection, and I'm too lazy to bother with it too. If your boss doesn't look for me, I'm too lazy to go out."

What Yun Qianliang had said was the truth. The number of times she had married into the Gu Xiangfu could be counted on one hand, and didn't even have much time to leave the Green Pine Academy. From the bottom of her heart, she was extremely annoyed by the mess in the backyard, and was extremely reluctant to go out and fight with the group of girls.

"This subordinate has to keep at least one of them." The two of them discussed and came to a conclusion.

"Forget it, keep a close eye on Xiao Cui." Yun Qianliang made the final decision.

If Wen Meng wanted to harm her, she would definitely not personally buy poison to kill her. After the matter of Xiao Cui's hand being exposed, she would be able to blame it all on Xiao Cui, and even if she send people to watch over her, they would not be able to find evidence that she bought the poison. However, she was afraid that Wen Meng might play some tricks, and ended up borrowing the blade that others borrowed.

After the two of them left, Gu Shisan stayed behind to continue monitoring and protecting them. The shorter Gu Shisi stayed behind to follow and protect Xiao Cui.

When Shui Qin carried the broken pieces back to the kitchen, she saw Xiao Cui chatting with the steward outside. The two of them were standing in the sun, talking and laughing while chewing the melon seeds.

From a distance, Xiao Cui saw Shui Qin walk back with reddened eyes and a broken porcelain cup on a tray in his hands. Her heart skipped a beat and he immediately put away the melon seeds.

"Shui Qin, what's wrong with you?" As she said that, Xiao Cui helped her carry the tray, "Come, give it to me, I'll clean it up for you."

Shui Qin subconsciously wanted to resist when she saw Xiao Cui, but when she remembered Madam Ye's instructions, she didn't dare to show it too clearly. She slurped her lips and said: "It's better not to, if Madam finds out, you must punish me."

Auntie Liu, who was in charge of the kitchen, walked over with the melon seeds in her mouth. Her forehead was red. "How did you offend that madam?"

"When this servant was delivering the lotus seed soup to Madam, a black cat coincidentally scurried over. I accidentally spilled the lotus seed soup on her, so Madam …" Shui Qin said as tears streamed down her face. Other people might have thought that she had been scolded and wronged, but they didn't know that she was afraid.

If it was like usual, when Madam ate the lotus seed soup, even if she had hundreds of mouths, she still wouldn't be able to explain it clearly.

Xiao Cui's heart tensed up, "That black cat didn't eat the lotus seed soup did it?"

"I threw the tray at him, probably because I was frightened and ran away." Shui Qin wiped his tears off and walked into the kitchen listlessly to clean everything up.

Xiao Cui comforted Shui Qin a little and then left the kitchen with the warm tonifying soup.

Xiao Cui returned to Hibiscus Courtyard, placed the tonifying soup on the table, and chased away the servants in the house to report to Wen Meng.

"Miss, it didn't work." Xiao Cui whispered into Wen Meng's ear.

"Did she notice?" Wen Meng frowned, holding the kernels, he had already thought of a way out.

"No, it's all the fault of a black cat that spilled the lotus seed soup." Xiao Cui looked at the door vigilantly to prevent any servants from barging in unwittingly.

"Nothing at all?" Wen Meng confirmed again.

Xiao Cui shook her head, "No, Shui Qin cleaned up and cleaned up all the lotus seed soup, and threw away all the fragments after washing up."

Wen Meng heaved a sigh of relief, but started to blame the servant, "If I can't even do such a small thing, what's the use of you?"

Xiao Cui lifted her skirt and knelt down, she anxiously promised, "Don't worry Miss, Xiao Cui will definitely make sure everything works out for you."