
Chapter 38 - Hiring a car to beg for mercy

Yun Qianliang's gaze swept across Gu Yicheng and he could see her intelligence clearly, but she did not say a word.

"If you want to say it, say it." Gu Yicheng pinched the center of his tired brow, supporting his head with one hand, he glanced at the weird person out of the corner of his eyes.

Yun Qianliang was slightly taken aback, but shook her head, "I didn't mean to say."

"Is that so?" Gu Yicheng sat upright, "Just nice, I have something to say."

Yun Qianliang gestured an invitation towards him, signalling to him to listen attentively.

'Recently... ' Just as Gu Yicheng started to speak, something unexpected happened.

A figure suddenly rushed to the front of the moving carriage and stopped in the middle of the road. Thirteen tightened his reins to stop the horse in front of him. Only then did he manage to avoid the tragedy that was happening on his horse.

The atmosphere inside the carriage was a bit ambiguous. Gu Yicheng used his arms to support the carriage, causing Yun Qianliang's body to feel as though she was trapped in front of him. She raised his head and sat, while he naturally lowered his gaze to look at her, as though he was gazing at his deeply.

"Master, Madam, are you alright?" Nervous greetings came from outside the car.

"…" Yun Qianliang hurriedly shifted her gaze away, steadied her mind, and said with a low voice. "Thank you."

The moment the change happened, Gu Yicheng reacted quickly, stabilizing the body before Yun Qianliang lost her balance, so her actions was inevitably the most suitable method.

Gu Yicheng withdrew his body and returned to his original position.

"Master, madam?" Another noise came from outside the car.

"No problem." Gu Yicheng asked, "What happened?"

Xiao Cui impulsively rushed out to stop the carriage, and when she saw the horse hooves raised up high, she fell to the ground in fright. She still had a lingering fear from the danger, her legs were as soft as noodles and she was unable to stand up.

Xiao Cui crawled to the front of the horse carriage while kneeling, and lay on the ground crying as she begged for mercy.

"Madam, Xiao Cui knows her wrongs. Please give him a chance." Xiao Cui kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Hearing that, Yun Qianliang frowned.

Initially, because of some unforeseen event, the hearts of a group of people were in suspense. Because of such a thing, it was unavoidable that the commoners would watch. In just a moment after she frowned, the discussions of the commoners could be heard outside.

Gu Yicheng held up the attitude of watching a good show, and faintly smiled at the person who sighed, "Qian Qian Qian, how do you plan to do this?"

"Send him away." Yun Qianliang ordered.

She knew that she wasn't a good person. She had already made way by not returning the favor with the same methods towards the people who had harmed her. She should know how to appreciate this kindness rather than stop the carriage and beg for forgiveness in front of a crowd.

The majority of the people sympathized with the weak. Xiao Cui's actions were undoubtedly putting herself in a position of weakness and wanting her to compromise.

The Gu San was ordered to go forward to settle some matters, but Xiao Cui was too shameless and refused to leave. She allowed the Gu San to stop him, and using her men and women's defense to rush towards the horse carriage, the commotion became even louder.

Yun Qianliang sighed, and brushed off the hair at her temples, "I'll go out and take a look."

Yun Qianliang got up and got out of the carriage.

Gu Yicheng's extended hand froze in midair, his brows furrowed, as he retracted it.

Yun Qianliang got out of the carriage, and immediately sensed the anger from the crowd. She walked calmly in front of Xiao Cui, and stared condescendingly at the servant who climbed over to grab her skirt.

"Madam, please spare Xiao Cui, she will repay you no matter what." Xiao Cui tightly held onto the soft fabric in her hand, as if she was holding onto straw to save her life, and was not willing to let it go.

"Let go." Yun Qianliang said with a cold face.

Those two cold words were like icicles smashing against his heart.

Xiao Cui raised her head to look at the cold face at the origin of the voice, and when she touched the emotions in the eyes, she was terrified, and started to shrink back. Her fingers that were holding onto her skirt subconsciously released a bit of her strength, but the desperate situation had forced her to the point where she had no other choice, so she could only shamelessly beg.

Immediately, Xiao Cui kowtowed heavily, dodging the piercing gaze.

"Madam, please spare Xiao Cui for the sake of how many years Xiao Cui has worked for the prime minister's residence." Xiao Cui moved out of the way to plead.

"If you know what's good for you, you should know that I have already shown you mercy. Otherwise, if you were to be convicted by the law, your head would have long been separated from your body." Yun Qianliang's solemn voice sounded out, there was no room for any doubt, "With grievances, and debts, the one you should be holding back, is not me."

Just as Xiao Cui was in a daze, Yun Qianliang withdrew his skirt and turned to walk towards the carriage.

Before getting onto the carriage, Yun Qianliang ordered: "Chun Hua, give her ten silver."

It all depended on how she did it.

Returning to the carriage, Yun Qianliang heaved a sigh of relief, but opened the curtain of the carriage to look outside. The people around them followed the carriage, indignantly saying nasty words, and the nasty words that came out never stopped, there were even people who picked up things beside their hands and threw it at the carriage.

Seeing that, Yun Qianliang quickly closed the curtain and went back to her seat. She asked curiously: What did you do to make people so angry?

"I don't think there's anything wrong with that. It's just a few political opinions on tax matters." Gu Yicheng slowly peeled the tangerine in his hand, as he replied as if it was a matter of course.

Yun Qianliang was immediately dumbstruck. She looked at the items that flew in from the palanquin curtain, then looked at the man who was still in the mood to peel the orange.

"You propose a tax increase?" Yun Qianliang blinked his eyes.

"That's the message from the palace." After Gu Yicheng peeled off the skin, he began to clean the layer of white clothes.

Yun Qianliang blinked again, "So you didn't mention it?"

"I did mention it, so I endured their scolding, smashing cars, and other disrespectful acts. If not, do you think scolding the imperial court officials is child's play?" Gu Yicheng still maintained his unconcerned attitude.

Yun Qianliang opened her mouth a few times but was unable to say anything. She was angered by Yue Yang's natural attitude to the point that he did not know how to refute.

"Want some?" Gu Yicheng handed over the freshly peeled orange in his hand, and added another word, "Calm down."

"As expected of the prime minister. I can see that I'm angry." Yun Qianliang was overwhelmed by the gesture, but her action of snatching the tangerines was extremely violent. After taking them, she stuffed them one by one into her mouth, and after stuffing them in, she clapped her hands and no longer laughed.

Seeing that she was still angry, Gu Yicheng reached out and took the oranges from the fruit plate.

This fire didn't seem to be easy to extinguish.

Seeing that, Yun Qianliang pressed his hand down, stopping him from acting leisurely, she said in all seriousness: "Gu Yicheng, I had thought that you had the reputation of being a scoundrel, and stayed in the imperial court for so long, and was even able to fight the Jin Wang. You must definitely be a cunning old fox, I never expected that you had such a hole in your head, to be confused and angered by others."

Can the politics of tax increases be published at will? The people could drown him with a single mouthful of saliva, but he actually admitted to it with a look of peace of mind.

The commoners outside would only throw some eggs and stones, the vegetable leaves were already considered polite. If they really met someone who had gone too far, they would throw in a lethal weapon!

"Someone has to mention it." Gu Yicheng withdrew his hand and wiped his finger with a wet handkerchief. With a voice as cold as ice, he said, "Gu San, throw him off."