Square relative

Chapter 272 - Square Relative

Ji Qichi was completely focused on listening to the sounds around him, and paying attention to the changes in her surroundings. Just as the two were withdrawing their swords and returning back to their respective factions, putting all their vigilance to the movements in the forest, another group of black clothed people descended from the sky, before Qi Yunshao's men could even react, they had already stabbed their swords into the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Qi Yunshao's group had been annihilated without even being able to react. When the other half of the group had regained their senses, the ground was already covered with corpses, and only then did everyone raise their swords to block the enemy's attack.

At the same time, Ji Qichi noticed the opponent's target, Qi Yunshao. He wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape, protecting Ji Qichi as he retreated into the darkness.