"How do you think it’s going with Gio and Beau?" Marc nudged Christian’s shoulder and burst out laughing. The stone-cold Gio being stuck in a car with the stone-cold Beau was definitely a concept. "It could’ve been any one of us."
"What the hell," Christian suddenly spoke as he saw his unwanted brother knock on the car window. "Marc, open up!" He demanded before he pushed Enzo to the backseat.
"What are you doing here? I told you to stay out of my business!" Christian turned around and grabbed him by his collar.
"Relax little brother, I’m here to help you." Enzo sighed as he pulled him off. "I heard Isobel did something, so I really felt like it was also time for me to do something."
"It’s only a pity that I had to come here on foot and that I had to squeeze that crazy plan of yours out people." Enzo over dramatically sighed.