It Felt So Wrong (II)


Sighing, I leaned over to wipe the glass surface of the dining table with a towel and spritz of scented sanitizer. Chase had surprised me by pawing at my knees earlier, making me spill the cold smoothie I was snacking on, all over the table.

Sensing that he had done something bad, Chase had bounded away and up the stairs, his strong and massive body rippling with every movement. It was a fairly calm and quiet morning, I felt more relaxed than I have ever felt in the last few days and my mood was improving.

It felt like the suffocation that had seized me when Adonis left had eased up a little, making me able to breathe finally, so I could try to figure out how to find him again. I still wanted to see him. I craved him, but I was learning to be calm and patient, so Neil wouldn’t notice my odd disposition.