The next morning in Theresa's home.
It's been 5 minutes since Ye Feng entered the room and tried waking Theresa gently all to no avail.
Suddenly, an idea struck her.
"Genius! Why didn't I think of that ?" she thought happily.
She ran out of the room and returned with a pot and spoon. She brought the two items close to Theresa's left ear and began to hit the pot loudly with the spoon.
Immediately, Theresa rose up from the bed and got down. Afterward, she assumed a fighting stance.
"Who's there?" she asked.
Ye Feng burst into mirth at Theresa's silliness making Theresa rub her eyes with both hands to clear her sight. She saw that it was her foster-mum, Ye Feng.
"Mom, did you have to scare me like that?" she asked unhappily.
"Morning sunshine, how was your sleep last night?" Ye Feng asked happily.
"Forget it, mother," Theresa said before wanting to crash back to bed.