Reaching there, the pair opened the door of the secluded room and struggled to enter at the same time.

The sight they beheld on finally entering the secluded room, made them so startled that they went down on their knees, their eyes about to pop out of their sockets!

"M-Mother... do... you see..."Lu Wei stammered.

"Yes... I see. I really do see. This child of mine, is never ceasing to surprise me." Ye Feng muttered.

"Mother, why is there such great fire around sister?" Lu Wei asked in confusion.

"Your sister is... the legendary heaven furnace queen." replied Ye Feng.

Lu Wei still did not understand and wanted to ask for more clarification but Ye Feng told her to seal her lips. Lu Wei unwillingly shut her mouth and both continued to stare at Theresa who was now sitting on the bare floor that was slowly turning hot.