Clark Williams opened his eyes and saw himself on a couch in the living room. He felt a slight headache and massaged his forehead.
"What happened?" he muttered to himself as he scanned the unfamiliar surroundings.
He felt a strong headache when he tried to recall what happened but he still persevered. Slowly, memories came to him and his eyes widened.
"That's right! Theresa is alive. But where's my Aarti?" he couldn't help asking.
Ju Wei appeared right in front of him dressed as a male prostitute. The red robe he wore was transparent and revealed that he didn't wear undergarment.
"Sorry! I didn't know you'd be awake by now. I'm Ju Wei and you are my great mistress' father. You look handsome. But why is your hair so short? Tsk! Tsk! Your clothes are weird too and those shoes... em... can I borrow them?" his eyes were focused on Clark's shoes that worth half a million dollars.