The meeting had come to an end, and Adriana used the medium to thank her business partners who took out their time to help in the search for her. She appreciated every one of them. When the meeting was going on earlier, she noticed Rafael staring holes in her face. His chair was next to hers even though hers was different from the rest since she was seated at the centre. But then, she couldn't help but notice how he was staring at her. It took all the self-control in her not to stare back at him. He was staring at her so wildly that her heart began beating so loudly. 

Adriana didn't leave the meeting Hall, even after everyone had left. For no reason. She felt nervous. She had no idea if the others saw Rafael's gaze, but if they did, then they would know exactly who he was staring at. 

She expected Rafael to leave just like everyone else, but he didn't.