A yawn slips from me, the back of my hand goes to cover my mouth and I nod with my head almost hitting the table. I blink twice, fighting to stay awake and the yawn escapes me. The light of my phone screen comes on, a peek at the time shows it’s past nine and Brandon is not here yet.
He’s not picking my calls, in fact, no one is. Brandon. Clarissa. Joshua. They have all gone quiet on me and I’m starting to get worried. I miss them. Him.
The letters on my screen blur, tears fill my eyes, I squint and reach for the mouse to reduce the laptop’s brightness. I cast a look at the empty plates on the dining table, the stainless flask at the centre, this is my first time of cooking since we got married and I decided to surprise him with dinner. Spaghetti Bolognese. I don’t know if he likes it, so far, he hasn’t chosen any meal above the other, he eats whatever he’s given.