
"What did Josh want?" Clarissa asks, pulling me by the hand into the kitchen. She stops at the counter with a bunch of banana, a frown crawls to her lips. "What did he say?"

I burst into humourless laughter, shaking my head as her small frame takes a seat on the counter, it took her eight days to ask. She pouts while squinting, I stick my tongue out and whip my long ponytail, causing her to do the same. A laugh escapes me as the tip of her hair brushes my face, she has long hair but it doesn’t come close to mine. I am the queen of this long hair game but she takes the crown once straightness is involved.

If I didn’t know better, I would have thought she never saw me and Josh because he was gone before her return. But she did, I know, those eyes see everything. The terse silence throughout the ride home confirmed my suspicions. Since she didn’t bother to ask, I never mentioned it, I am better off without a reminder of him and his callous brother.