Chapter 1 The wedding goes on as usual, but with a different groom

Interstellar Year 3021, August, the Third District.

The Su Family and the Huo Family are nobles of the Third District; today is the joyful day of their union through marriage.

The large screens on the streets and alleys looped the wedding video of the couple,

With the woman gentle and sweet, the man scholarly and handsome—everyone who saw them said they were a perfect match.

The wedding was held in the banquet hall at the top of the 88th floor of the Central Building in the Third District.

Luxurious crystal chandeliers and exquisitely crafted tableware, amidst the clinking of glasses, the affair was the epitome of elegance.

This wedding was not only attended by all the nobles of the Third District, but it was said that two big shots from the First District also came.

This wedding was evidently the center of attention; the face of both the Su and Huo Families was indeed significant.

However, compared to the bustling atmosphere of the banquet hall, the atmosphere in the adjacent bride's rest room was oppressively heavy.

Lin Ranyue said with great concern, "Xiaowan, still no contact with Huo Yichang? Has something happened to him? Should I go and ask the Huo Family again?"

The woman in the white wedding gown, Su Wan, looked down, her gaze falling on the diamonds of her skirt's hem.

Just then, her lightbrain suddenly beeped, and Huo Yichang's call came through; Su Wan raised her hand to answer.

"Xiaowan, I'm sorry, Xiaoman's aircraft had an accident in the Seventh District; I have to go save her!"

"Isn't there a rescue team?"

"Xiaowan, how can you say that! When Xiaoman is in trouble like this, how can I just stand by and watch?"

Su Wan said calmly, "Huo Yichang, have you forgotten? In a few hours, it'll be my twentieth birthday. If you don't come back and marry me, I'll be forcefully assigned a husband by the central system."

"Xiaowan, I'll try my best to get back. No one wants such an accident to happen."

Try his best? So he might not make it back.

Su Wan remained silent.

But Huo Yichang seemed a bit displeased now, as he reproached, "Xiaowan, I know you're unhappy, but you can't be so selfish. Xiaoman is your sister! She's badly injured, and I can't leave her! Forget it, that's all; I'll try my best to come back, and don't go looking for my father and mother either."

The call ended.

In the mirror, the bride's lips curved slightly, her smile mocking.

Ha, her sister?

Ha ha, she's selfish?

Su Wan was thirteen when the spaceship she was on was attacked by a star thief. Fortunately, the Interstellar Guard Corps arrived in time to rescue her.

Nevertheless, she suffered severe injuries, was placed in a cryogenic chamber, and was frozen for five years.

Nobody knew that during those five years of slumber, Su Wan actually soul-transmigrated to Ancient Earth, over a thousand years in the past.

When she awoke, she found an additional girl in the house, half a year younger than her, adopted from the Seventh District. She was said to be the child of her father's close friend, named Su Man.

This Su Man was very capable and knew how to ingratiate herself with others; not only did Su Wan's father, Su Zhen, treat her as his own, but even Su Wan's two biological brothers regarded her as their true sister.

Oh, and now, Huo Yichang, betrothed to Su Wan since childhood, was also running away from the wedding for her.

How come such a coincidence happened just now.

"Xiaowan..." Lin Ranyue looked worried. She gazed at her daughter with heartache, yet at the moment, she didn't know what to say.

Su Wan, on the other hand, comforted Lin Ranyue, "Mom, it's okay, the wedding will proceed as normal."

"Proceed as normal?"

"Yes, can you help me entertain the guests in the banquet hall for a bit? I'm going out for a while."

Lin Ranyue took a few steps, "Xiaowan, where are you going?"

The door closed in an instant, and a sentence drifted in.

"The groom's gone; I'm going to find a new groom."

Lin Ranyue: "..."