Chapter 32 Beastmen Are Not Human

Fifteen minutes later, the flying vehicle stopped on the platform of Commander Gu's residence.

Su Wan had been worried about being seen by others, so as they disembarked from the flying vehicle, she supported Gu Jue and asked White Tiger, "Who else is in the residence?"

"No one."


Choked for words, Su Wan looked at the robots passing by and suddenly understood what White Tiger meant.

Right then, that fluffy large tail affectionately coiled around Su Wan's waist, causing a tingling sensation.

Now in the entire Grey Mansion, only she and Gu Jue could be considered human, not sure if Beastmen count as people.

Entering the cold-toned, empty residence, Su Wan, seeing the rushing robots, suddenly felt a wave of emotion, no wonder outsiders speculated that Gu Jue was an artificial intelligence.

After all, this living environment had no sign of life at all, everywhere one looked it was cold and icy.

And for some reason, she suddenly felt a bit sorry for Gu Jue like this.