Chapter 68: The Sneaky Person Ended Up Outsmarting Himself

Su Wan turned her head and saw Su Man, dressed in a specially made insulating bodysuit, proudly smiling at her.

Her heart sank.

So Su Man was really willing to do anything to win, even lose face!

Loudly report to the teacher that someone had tampered with the equipment?

Before Su Wan could speak up, she saw on the neighboring competition grounds a male student climbing. In an attempt to catch up, he reached out and dragged his opponent over.

Both fell from a height, landing on the soft mat below.

As some protested cheating, the stern-faced instructor said indifferently, "Military training is militarized training. As long as there are no casualties, we won't stop the exercise."

Alex, waiting to do pull-ups, curled his lips in disdain, "That's really inhumane."

The instructor scoffed, "If you encounter an attack by the Insect Clan in the future, do you think they will show you any humanity?"

Alex lifted his chin proudly, "I don't need it, I'll just blast them away!"