Awkward Colleagues

Sitting in Mike's car, I felt extremely awkward. It was awfully quiet in the car. I turned my gaze outside the car and pretended to focus on the scenery outside.

"Where… have you been all these years? How have you been?" Mike was the first to break the silence.

"Manhattan. I went to Manhattan. I got my degree and worked for a design company for two years. I got an FB acceptance letter a while ago, so I came back. You know, FB has been my dream since high school," I answer matter-of-factly because I was afraid of bringing up sensitive information.

"I know. So, you're not leaving after coming back, right?" Mike asked cautiously.

"I won't leave for now. In the future, who knows?" I shrugged and pretended to be confident. Actually, I was thinking, "If you can recognize Millie, if you can accept her, if you can give her some company, maybe I won't leave."

"That's great! You know what? Six years ago, you left without saying goodbye. We, Mandy and I, we were all especially sad. We looked for you for a long time," Mike said sadly.

My heart skipped a beat. I thought, 'Did you… really feel sad? Did you feel like you lost a sister, or did you feel like you lost a girlfriend?' Of course, I didn't dare to ask this.

"Speaking of Mandy, does she know you're back? I wonder how happy she would be if she found out," Mike said.

"Well, yes. We met yesterday. We talked all night."

"Did she tell you she was getting engaged?"

"Yes, she said that her fiancé is a lawyer."

"Yes, I have seen him. He's a very good person."

"What about you? Mike, are you married?" God, I finally asked.

"No, no, not yet. I have a girlfriend. Her name is Hannah. What about you, Melanda?" Mike asked.

I calmed myself. What was coming was finally here. "I have a five-year-old daughter. Her name is Millie. You should see her later.

I saw his expression darken visibly. "Oh, that's great. It's great to be able to see your daughter. Who is your husband? Where is he?"

"I don't have a husband," I said word for word. "We broke up after I got pregnant."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Melanda. Did you take care of the child alone? You must have suffered a lot. That guy… if I had the chance to see him…" Mike's expression was very strange, and he was probably feeling indignant for me.

"It's okay. Millie is everything to me. I don't regret it."

"You're such a great mom. I'm proud of you, baby."

Oh my, this was the second time he called me baby today. I blushed again.

I looked out the window again awkwardly as the car quickly reached our familiar block.

I saw Millie and Grandma standing at the door looking around. When she saw the car coming, she jumped up excitedly. "Mommy, Mommy is back!"

Just as I got out of the car, Millie pounced on me like a butterfly and wrapped her arms around my neck. I picked her up.

"Here, Millie, this is Uncle Mike. Mike, this is my daughter, Millie," I said to Mike, who had also just gotten out of the car. My heart ached at the word" uncle."

"Hello, Uncle Mike," Millie greeted Mike obediently.

When he saw Millie, Mike seemed to be stunned for a moment, but then he smiled. "Hello, little princess. It's good to see you."

My mother, who was standing in the door, froze when she saw Mike get out of the car. She watched Mike and Millie's interaction with mixed emotions.

"Where did you guys meet? Mike, thank you for sending Melanda back."

"You're welcome, Aunt Annie. This is something I should do. I'm glad to see Melanda back. We're working in the same company now," Mike replied to Mom as he straightened up.

"Oh, really? What a coincidence. Come in for a cup of tea," Mom invited Mike. But in my heart I was screaming, 'No, Mike, please don't agree.'

"Okay, Aunt Annie. I love your milk tea. Millie, do you welcome me?"

"That's great, Uncle Mike." Millie looked like she likes this man. She happily took Mike's hand and led him home.

I had to follow behind. "Um, Mike, don't you have to go back to the office?"

Mike gave me a wink. "You know, I'm the head of this department."

My heart raced. It hit 120 beats per minute! He was winking at me! Didn't he know that his wink was enough to kill me?!

Melanda, Melanda, you're so useless! It's been six years, so why haven't you improved at all?!